“You’re such a cutie when you get excited.”

“I’ve never had anything like this before. Not for myself.”

My smile widens with every word she speaks. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you this excited before. Ever.”

She shrugs and looks down, her cheeks darkening. “It’s a big deal for me.”

“I know,” I tell her. “I love it—seeing you like this.”

“It’s big,” she says, spreading her arms out as wide as they can go. “And it’s in the trunk. Can you get it and haul it up to my room? Please?”


The second I release her hand and take a step away she smacks my ass. “Thank you.”


“How the fuck old is your computer?” I ask, looking down at it while I set up the printer on her desk.

“Not that old. It was like, three years old when it was given to me.”

“How long ago?”

She shrugs. “Four years ago.”

“And it still does what you need? I mean, you have to run some pretty heavy stuff on there for your photos, right?”

“It’s not so bad. It’s better than not having one at all.”

“I’ll be back.”

“Where are you going?”

“Just wait here.”

I return a minute later with my laptop—one I was conned into buying. Well, not so much conned, but the guy at the store talked it up so much that I was convinced I needed all the pixels and aspect ratios and graphics—whatever the hell they meant. One thing led to another and the next thing I knew I was handing him my credit card.

I’ve used it twice.

“Here.” I dump the laptop and charger on her desk.

“What’s this?”

“It’s my computer. It’s a year old and I don’t use it. Like, at all. You can borrow it.”

“Josh, this is MacBook Pro.”

“See, at least you know what it is.”

“I can’t—”

“You will.” I sit down on her desk chair and switch it on. “I’ll just change my password and get rid of any and all incriminating evidence.”

She laughs just as Chazarae calls out, “Becca!”

“Becca!” Tommy repeats.

“Oh no.” I sigh. “Has he been playing echo with you guys all day?”

She shrugs. “I don’t know. Has he been playing echo with you guys all day?”

“I’m sorry,” I laugh out. “But it’s your fault. You taught him about echo.”

“You taught him about echo.”

“That’s so annoying.”

She giggles. “That’s so annoying.” Then she tilts my head up from behind me and plants a kiss on my nose. “I’ll be back,” she says, before practically skipping out of her room. Her steps thud, fast and free, down the stairs and regardless of how I felt no more than fifteen minutes ago, I realize I’m happy. She makes me happy. Especially this side of her. Because with Becca—there are two sides. And I’m pretty sure I’m in love with both.

The front door slams shut and I hear Tommy’s voice, but he’s outside and a minute later, I hear Chaz’s car start.

I hit the right keys, change the passwords and delete my porn just as Becca walks in with two cans of soda and, going by the look on her face, she knows exactly what I’ve been doing. “Porn?” she whispers.

“Pshh! I barely know how to use this thing let alone download porn on it.”

She smirks, setting the cans on the desk before pushing me back in the chair and sitting down on my lap. She scoots back until her ass is pressed up against my stomach, then takes my hand and places it on her bare legs. I rest my chin on her shoulder and try to fight off the excitement stirring in my dick. “Where’s your grams?” I ask, kissing her neck while her index finger moves the curser to a trash icon on the laptop screen. She clicks it twice, and the first thing that pops up is a folder titled Porn.

“You’re supposed to empty the trash if you want to hide things from me.”

I chuckle lightly and drop my forehead to her shoulder. “Shut up.”

Her fingers comb through the back of my head as she shifts on my lap. I hold my breath, my hands moving higher on her legs, taking the hem of her dress with them. “The store forgot to give us the paper we bought so Grams has taken Tommy with her to get it. She said she might take him to a park after,” she says.

I swallow loudly. “So… we’re alone?”

She tilts her head to the side, inviting me. I kiss her—my hands drifting higher on her leg. “What were you doing anyway?” she asks.

“I’m just loading the drivers for the printer.”

“Mmm. Keep talking nerdy to me.”

I chuckle against her skin and jerk my hips up. “Yeah? You like that?”

“Mm-hmm.” She starts grinding, her ass making slow circles against my cock.

“Megabytes. Hard drive. Gigawatts.”

“Shut up,” she says through a chuckle, turning her head to face me. She runs her tongue across my lips and I no longer have to question what she wants. I capture her mouth with mine, one hand on her breast and the other between her legs.

Breaking the kiss, she moans, her voice cracking when she breaks away from my kiss and spreads her legs wider. I kiss her shoulder while I cup her sex. She pushes against my hand and whispers my name.