Her hand rebounds off my cheek, and I bite my lip. Bitch.
“Keep your thoughts to yourself.”
“It’s wrong,” I say, and she chuckles. “Wrong? How many right things have you made, Iris?”
Okay, low blow. Cringing, I raise my chin and say, “Doesn’t make this one right.”
“Enough!” She slashes her hand through the air, and I drop my head. I tried, but her insinuation stings. Another reminder I don’t need of how shitty a human being I’ve been.
Thankfully, she turns the topic, and I roll my head to the ceiling when she asks, “Why are those boys threatening you?”
Great. Here comes the next installment of berating.
Licking my lips, I say, “Bastion’s mother is dead, and I killed Roman.”
I raise my head and suppress a hysterical giggle at her incredulous expression.
“That’s . . . unfortunate,” she finally says.
“His mom, yeah.” I shrug.
Her eyes narrow, and she touches her neck. “You know he wanted Roman.”
“He was going to gut me like a fish,” I say sourly, and she barks, “You’re fucking it up, and I can’t afford the fallout.”
“I had no choice. What was I supposed to do? Let him kill me? That wouldn’t help this fucked-up situation either. Why didn’t anyone tell me he was Bastion’s dad?”
“This isn’t my problem.” She says it so casually, but we both know that asking that of me was a low fucking blow considering my relationship with Bastion, even if it was years ago.
“You know what’s next,” she says, and I raise my eyes to the ceiling.
“Maybe I can, I don’t know, talk him out of it,” I say. The silence that follows is filled with pity, which I confirm when she shakes her head and says, “There’s always a price, Iris.”
Her shrewd eyes search mine, and I grumble, “Does Alice know you’re a psycho?”
She grabs a chunk of my hair, and I slam my hand over the top of hers, but she doesn’t falter. This bitch must have taught Ice Man everything he knows.
“Enough,” she says, “I tire of your attitude. It’s time. You bring John.”
“Time for what?” I ask, glancing at her sideways. No one has ever mentioned John before.
“He’s a useful tool, for now,” she says, and I snort. “Are you fucking kidding me? No. He doesn’t get to walk away from this.”
“Need I remind you that you brought this? Now you follow the rules. We all do.”
“Why can’t they do it?” I ask sullenly. We both know I’m talking about the fucking SWAT team outside.
“Because he’s too wily, but he’ll come for you, Iris.”
Sweat slicks my spine, and I look into her icy eyes. It’s hard to believe she was once a wife and mother, but I guess she hid the darkest parts of her soul from her family. Whatever else she thinks, I won’t let that fucker live.
“You think he won’t be suspicious? If he’s so smart, why would he come running for me?”
She just smiles, and in that smile, I see my worth. I was used, fully and completely, with my own fucking blessing. Not only that, but I played my hand, all of it, and I lost.
As soon as I’m deposited back in my cage, I curl into a ball and stare at the wall.
“What did she want, Iris?” Bastion asks.