“And us? We’re not a threat. We thought we were helping her,” Jig says.
Lorraine tsks, shaking her head. “It’s too great a risk. Until this is over, we cannot compromise her. Maybe you should have listened when your friend here spoke.”
“She’s not our fucking friend,” Bastion growls.
Lorraine meets my gaze with questions in her eyes, but I merely smile.
“Too bad,” she says. “Iris has more bravery in her pinkie finger than you fucks.”
With that, she sails from the room, and Jig looks at me. “Why didn’t I know Alice’s mom is a badass?”
Rolling my eyes, I lay down on the pallet and mumble, “She’s scarier than Ice Man.”
“There has to be a way to get out,” Cyn says quietly.
“Yeah, but we have to get past the dudes with the guns. Is our car still out front?” Jig says.
“Why would McCafferty send us on a wild goose chase?” Bastion rasps.
With my eyes closed, I feign sleep. At this point, it’s not to eavesdrop but to avoid more questions. I’m full up on the interrogations. Besides, the know-it-alls brought us here. Let them circle the drain of non-options.
“He didn’t know?” Jig suggests.
“That old fucker? He’s too wily to be fooled.” Bastion sighs.
“Then what? You think he set us up?” Cyn asks.
“I don’t know. We’re missing something.” Bastion taps the bars of my cage with his shoe, I presume. “Well, Iris, what are we missing?”
“Why would I tell you?” I sneer, looking at B. “You’re a fucking hypocrite. I’m the whore for using my body? What about you? You fucked me for information. For her?”
Bastion’s nostrils flare and he leans forward but Cyn huffs drawing my attention away. With a silent sigh, I ignore the way my heart fucking aches at Bastion’s dick move and pull to a seated position. My neck twinges and I rub it wearily, saying, “If you escape, they’ll make you pay. Are you willing to make the sacrifice?”
“How the fuck would you know? You’re not exactly a victim here?” Cyn says.
Dropping my hands, I stare at him steadily until his brows crease. “What?”
I hesitate over the words and slam my mouth shut until he grabs the bars and says, “What?”
“You think my mom threatened a child over McCafferty? You think my uncle died in a hole because John put him there?”
“Rain’s dad?” he says, clenching the bars.
“Yes, he dug too deep. They all did. This is bigger than John and his little ring of depravity. We’re talking heads of state. Rulers of countries. Men with more money than God.”
“Again, you know this—how?” Bastion says.
“I eavesdropped,” I say with a shrug.
“You eavesdropped,” Jig parrots, eyeing me strangely.
“You’re still alive. Why?” Bastion asks, sitting up.
“Because I kept the secrets until I didn’t,” I whisper. I’ll never regret anything more. I committed the ultimate sin in my desperation to get rid of John before he started unraveling my lies. And continuing the deception only sends me farther into the reaches of hell.
“You walked, though. They let you go,” Bastion insists, his dark eyes boring into my skull.