Chapter Fifteen
After my conversation with Bastion, I can’t fight the panic that constricts my lungs. It’s a slippery slope from his secrets to mine.
If he continues to press, I’ll be forced to reveal more than I’m willing, and we haven’t even gotten to the body buried behind the barn.
Shit. Maybe I should cut my losses and go?
In my heart of hearts, I don’t think he has it in him to hurt Sam. Maybe I’m naive, but it’s all I’ve got right now.
Scrubbing my face, I check my messages with a frown.
I’ve heard nothing from John, which freaks me the fuck out, not that he has my new number. Nothing from Diem either, but I guess that’s no big surprise. It hasn’t even been a day.
I’m lounging in the day room, another space I decorated. It’s pink on pink on pink. I’m curious if B has found any more rooms and just not mentioned it, which is confirmed when he stops in the doorway, his nostrils flaring as he gazes around the room.
I made sure that this space was so damn girly his balls would shrivel at the sight. Leaning my head against a furry pink pillow, I stretch on the matching divan.
His brows arch, but he doesn’t comment until he’s standing over me. “You must really want to get fucked.”
Hiding the thrill at his husky tone, I yawn. “What’s up?”
“We’re going to a party tonight. Wear your nicest dress.”
Groaning, I turn and bury my face in the pillow. “Where?”
“Does it matter?”
“Actually, it does because that old bitch kicked me out of her house.”
Kneeling before me, he grabs my chin. “Why didn’t you say something?”
Pulling away, I smile bitterly. “Because she was only saying what you have since I got here. I’m not going.”
His eyes glitter as he says, “The fuck you are. We’re not going to Salvatore’s anyway. Besides, I decide who’s on my arm.”
The steel tone makes me sit up, and I study him carefully. While I’ve seen hints of the power he must now possess, I still can’t reckon the boy from the hood with this new version.
“Why what?” He asks, standing.
I turn away from his dick basically in my face. Is he doing it on purpose?
“Why would Salvatore or anyone else bend to you?”
He smiles, and I shake my head at the feral expression. “Because I’m the fucking Bruno, and they all know it.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means, I hold more power and money than these dicks will ever see in their lifetime. But I also have the key, baby.”
Narrowing my eyes, I consider his words from before. I’m the lock; now he just needs the key.
“Which is what?”
“The one person who can take down every single piece of shit out there. Be ready by seven.”
Staring after him, I bite my lip. I admit his confidence is hot, but the notion that I’m the fucking whatever leaves me uneasy.