Page 41 of Iris' Lying Eyes

Apparently not.

My mind is filled with thoughts I shouldn’t be having, so when Bastion stops, I almost walk right into his back.

When I step around him, Jagger appears, and inwardly I groan. I guess I’m in for more reunions tonight, which leaves me with a coppery taste on my tongue. This guy participated in things with John’s approval that I can never move past. They haunt me in my dreams. And even if I went to him willingly once upon a time, it was only ever to save those I love.

None of which anyone understands, including Bastion, who eyes him coldly and says, “Where’s Stephen?”

Stephen? Shit. He’s worse than Jagger. What the hell?

Jagger smirks and turns to me, his eyes lighting with curiosity. I raise my chin because that’s what I do, but my skin is crawling.

Maybe when all is said and done, Jagger deserves to meet his end too?

Contemplating him coolly, I smile, and his eyes flicker. “Iris, where you been? Haven’t seen you around.”

“Here and there,” I say, waving my hand.

Jagger chose McCafferty when John strayed, and although I don’t think the dick knows the meaning of the word loyalty, he has at least steered clear of John.

“Hm. You want some? I got a new shipment today?” He holds out his palm, and I stare at the tiny white pills, my soul burning for one more fucking fix, but before I can shake my head, Bastion barks, “Stephen!”

Jagger glances at him with a lazy smile and shrugs. “Out back, man.”

Bastion grabs my arm and leads me through the crowd. In a daze, I follow, my heart in my throat. I can’t swallow past the arid feeling in my mouth, and with a desperation that makes me dizzy, I stare at his back.

I can resist. I can. I’m clean, and nothing will push me back to that place. Nothing.

When we’re on the other side of the room, he presses me against the wall and says, “Stay here.”

“Okay,” I say, and he searches my gaze before disappearing down the hall.

I watch him go with a plea on my lips that I suck back. Leaving me here feels particularly cruel when all my vices are staring me in the face.

Bastion either doesn’t care or is immune, and with a sigh, I lean against the wall and survey the scene.

I used to hang out here and party because it drove John nuts. Technically, I’ve fucked a good portion of the male population here for the same reason.

Now when I look into the jaded eyes of my previous lovers, I’m assaulted by a burning sensation in my lungs. How many times did I give myself away for nothing in return?

Shuffling on my aching feet, I turn away from their eager eyes and block out the roiling in my stomach. Nothing good can come from walking down memory lane. It’s filled with wrong turns and dead fucking ends.


Clenching my jaw, I turn to Hate and smile tightly. He leans against the wall beside me and levels me with a dark frown. “What are you doing here?”

“Partying,” I say with a shrug, and his eyes narrow.

“That sick fuck with you?”

“John? No, I haven’t seen him. Have you?”

He looks out over the crowd, surveying the masses, before turning back to me. “You here to cause trouble?”

“I’m here to party,” I say, meeting his hard stare.

Hate is not someone you trifle with. He’s a mean-ass motherfucker who wouldn’t flinch at the violence that surrounds him. Even so, he’s a handsome fucker with bright blue eyes and a wave of thick blond hair.

“Cut the shit. You mess with my cousin’s girl, and you’ll regret it.”