Page 13 of Iris' Lying Eyes

His brows darken, and I mentally sigh. Even before they cast me out, which I know he orchestrated—the asshole—we butted heads.

He’s a grumpy fucker, and I’m a bitch. Without sexual chemistry, we were destined to hate each other.

I’m sure it doesn’t help that I tried to break him and Rain up in every way humanly possible.

Rain touches my leg, and I flinch, ignoring her frown as she says, “Iris, you know why we’re here.”

It always comes back to John. Fuck.

Glancing at her sideways, I lie. It’s better for all involved if they stay out of this damn mess. A lesson they didn’t fucking learn the first time around. “I don’t know where John is, but I’m sure he’s around.”

“Okay, what now?” She asks.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s time.”

My heart jumps before taking off. I don’t know why Rain’s here beyond the obvious—getting rid of John, but it messes with my resolve. Does she still care?

I fucked up massively, but I’ve never not cared about Rain. She was the calm to my storm, the sun to my darkness. She may not have seen it, but I craved the light she brought whenever she was around.

But beyond that, I hid an insidious jealousy that burned at my soul. For all their weird-ass hippy ways, her parents loved her and protected her.

Mine cast me into hell and kept me there.

Averting my gaze, I meet Cyn’s hard stare, which tells me exactly what he thinks of this, but I don’t care because I’ll hold this moment close for eternity.

“It’s too dangerous for you,” I say with a bittersweet smile. “But—”

“Fuck that.” She leans forward, her dark eyes sparkling, and I raise a brow. I knew she grew some balls over all this, but damn. “This is all our fight now.”

“All of us?” I ask, bemused.

“Yep,” Alice says from the doorway and Jig’s bright blue eyes meet mine over her head.

With Alice come images of Sam, and I say before I can think it through, “Sam?”

But her face falls, and she shakes her head, my hope dying with the useless gesture. What? No. Just no.

I did everything I was supposed to. I fulfilled my end of the bargain every damn time. He’s supposed to be safe. I’m supposed to be free. Of course not. I knew. I said as much. John will never let me go.

“Shit,” I whisper, covering my mouth. I have to go back. Fuck.

“I’m sorry,” she says, and Jig wraps her up from behind.

Sorry? Fucking sorry? Thanks for the meaningless platitude. Sam is out there somewhere, and if I don’t find him, John could do his worst.

Calm. Stay fucking calm. I can do this.

Inhaling slowly, I breathe out before it all goes to shit, and I demand, “Did you at least move him when I asked?”

Her blue eyes are round as she touches her neck and says quietly, “Of course.”

“But now?”

Slowly she shakes her head. “I lost contact.”

Okay, so maybe whoever it is moved. Maybe it’s not John but some asshat who wanted a bigger lawn or a swimming pool.