Chapter Twenty-Five
When I next wake, I’m alone. Turning to my back, I contemplate how I got here.
I was a scared, lost girl at fifteen, and when John insisted, I give up the baby I had only just allowed myself to love. I wasn’t strong enough to fight back.
I transferred all that love to a boy who was cast aside and spent years conforming to protect him.
Baby Girl is still out there, but with John gone, I have to hope she’s no longer in danger. If someone went out of their way to pay for her, it must mean that she’s in good hands. Right?
I have no way of finding her and I suspect Finnen’s promises were nothing but lies. She’s gone as though she never existed.
Curling onto my side, I push thoughts of her away. I can’t afford to go down that road.
I’m staring at the wall when Bastion steps into the room. Hovering in the doorway, he searches my gaze before bowing his head. “It’s taken care of. When you’re ready.”
I don’t bother to answer. Although I’m relieved to know Sam is no longer in that fucking hole, I can’t find it in me to be civil. I trusted him so much. He lied.
I hate him for that. I hate him.
“I’ll be back later.” I don’t respond, and he backs out, leaving me once again with nothing but my thoughts.
I’ve been avoiding the specter of Sam, but I can’t hold back the tide any longer. He was the best. Shiny and happy. Innocent. He didn’t care about who I was. He didn’t want me for things I couldn’t give.
He just wanted to be around me.
I made my first mistake when I begged John to spare him. Of course, the dick used it against me. But if I hadn’t, he would’ve died anyway. John’s business demanded beautiful, perfect and healthy babies.
Now it doesn’t matter beyond that poor Sam would’ve suffered less if I had kept my damn mouth shut.
Pressing my hand against my mouth, I breathe through the pain shattering my chest.
It’s all-consuming. I can’t fucking breathe.
I don’t want to.
Kneel, and don’t make me tell you twice.
Flipping my eyes open, I glance around with my heart in my throat.
The steady beep of my IV soothes me, and I close my eyes, the past rushing toward me again.
I’ll do whatever you want. Please don’t hurt him.
Need I remind you of the consequences?
That boy needs you, Iris. What’s it going to be?
It’s him or her, Iris. You pick.
The images roll through my brain until I say to the ghosts in my head, “Okay, I’ll do whatever you want.”
“Iris,” Bastion says, touching my hand, and I jump, sucking in air.
He pulls away as I meet his dark gaze. As usual, I have no idea what he’s thinking, but he sighs and runs his hand over his smooth head.
“I’m sorry.”