Is it a mistake to turn my back on him?
“Run, run, little rabbit,” he breathes, and I spin, stumbling down the steps two at a time.
When I reach the bottom, I turn and watch as he slowly descends behind me.
“Go on,” he says, licking his lips. The fucker is playing with me, but I have no choice. Luckily, I’ve explored the house in my boredom, but I don’t know how well he knows it.
Did he grow up here? Is this where he lost his humanity?Whatever. Focus, Iris.
With no rhyme or reason, I choose the hall to the right, my shoes squeaking on the tiles as I race away. If I can circle back around, I’ll find that damn guard. It’s my only hope.
The room Bastion stood in while he made his midnight call to whoever passes me on my right. Dick.
Farther down, I spy the pink pussy room and suppress a hysterical chuckle that ends in a sob. Maybe in my darker moments I thought dying would be easier, but knowing it’s stalking me through this mansion, already haunted by ghosts, makes my chest burn with the will to live.
It’s too soon.
I pass more desolate rooms that are really fucking empty. I could use a damn couch to hide behind right about now.
Where’s Roman? Glancing back, I slow. Oh right, he’s soaking up my terror and probably jacking off to it. The skeevy fuck.
At the end of the hall, I contemplate my options. To the right leads me further into the bowels of the house. The left sends me out to the back, where rolling green grass and trees are my only cover.
Maybe it’s stupid, but I think Roman has the upper hand outdoors, so I make a right, careening off the wall in my haste. My shoulder throbs, but it’s the least of my problems as I skid to a stop and throw out my arms.
“Fuck,” I scream, and Roman crosses his arms over his chest with a wide smile.
He’s no worse for wear, not even breathing heavily, while I pant like I’m fucking dying. Clenching my fist, the bitter taste of rage tingles on my tongue as I sneer, “Fuck you.”
“Tsk, tsk,” he says with a leer. “I expected more from a bitch like you. I guess you’re no better than the rest of them.”
“Ha! You’re a sick fuck. You have to hunt your women because they can’t stand the fucking sight of you. What’s the matter, can’t get it up?”
His brows drop over his eyes, and I suck in air before saying, caustically, “Oh well, there’s always meds for that.”
“What the fuck did you just say?”
Oh shit. I take a single step back before spinning, but I don’t get far before he’s on me. Grabbing my hair, he forces me to my knees, and I bite my tongue, welcoming the acrid taste of my blood because it means I’m still alive.
Wrenching my head back, he snickers. “It was coming to this all along, wasn’t it? But you forced my hand when you started talking. Did you think I wouldn’t know?”
“Fuck you,” I grit between my teeth. His laugh echoes around me, and I wrench away, only to cry out when he slams his fist into my head.
Dazed, I drop to the floor before he grabs me up. I flail in his arms with a series of grunts, but my efforts are futile. Regardless, I’m not about to make this easy, and I flop around like a fish as he carries me down the hall.
Through a room, we go before he stalks into another. It’s really dark, but he doesn’t hesitate as he traverses the space, pushing a set of French doors open and stepping outside.
The cool air feels good on my sweaty skin, and I inhale as he steps down the stone pavers before I drop to dead weight. His hold slips, and he pauses to adjust his grip. With all my strength, I bow my body, flinging my limbs wide. My heart jumps into my throat when I almost slip free, but he merely grunts and tightens his hold as he marches across the grass.
The trees loom before us all too soon, and panting, I arch away, screaming, “You won’t get away with this.”
He moves away from my swinging feet before continuing on, seemingly unconcerned about someone hearing us. Where did the damn guard go?
“I already have,” he says. “The only thing Bastion will know is that the little cunt he was stupid enough to lust after betrayed him and went back to John.”
Tipping my head to the sky, I close my eyes. “Betrayed? Don’t be stupid.”
“No? As we speak, he’s dealing with the fallout, little rabbit.”