He doesn’t understand, and it’s probably for the best, but I damn myself when the words tumble from my lips. “I don’t want to be with you for payment. I want . . .”
“What?” He asks gruffly.
“Never mind.”
“No, tell me.”
“There’s nothing to tell,” I say, rolling away.
Bastion drops to his side and pulls me into his chest. I’m stiff as a board for a while until slowly, I relax into his warmth.
Chapter Sixteen
Unfortunately, Diem texts me the following morning with demands that I meet up with the senator.
I still want the info I set out to get from him, but I know when the fucker demands, I’m supposed to jump.
But Bastion’s declaration last night is a clear indicator of what I’m up against if I try to leave.
When I search him out downstairs, I pause in the doorway of the library or whatever the fuck it is and growl, “What the fuck?”
Mousy Rose raises her head, and Bastion meets my gaze. She’s standing beside him at the desk, too close to be innocent.
I knew it. Mine, my ass. Liar.
Grabbing a paperweight off the table by the sofa, I aim for his head, growling when it sails past and slams against the wall.
He raises a brow, and Rose squeaks, backing away. “Get out before I kick your ass,” I snap, and she jumps, racing for the door.
Bastion watches with a bemused expression before turning back to me.
“Not mine? Then what was that?” He asks, leaning back in his chair with a smirk.
It creaks under his weight as I approach, stopping before him. “You’re a fucking liar. No more. Tell me the truth.”
“What are you talking about?” He grunts, picking up a paper from the desk.
I snatch it out of his hands, and he growls, standing. “Iris…”
“You think you can convince me that I’m here because you want me? Think again. I’ll figure out what your game is, B. And then you’ll regret using me.”
With that, I flounce toward the door with a lump in my throat. I knew better, and still, I’m caught out. More fool me.
I’m at the door when Bastion picks me up, slams it closed, and turns me against it. He dips his head, his dark eyes wild, and rasps, “I don’t care what you think. But if you want to play games, fine.”
Hissing, I shove against his shoulders, which only gives him the space to flip up my dress and shove his hand between my legs. Fire licks up my spine, and I clutch his shirt, writhing against his wicked fingers.
I’m still seething but with Bastion, need is always humming in the background. Fucker.
His mouth curls in a smirk, and I grab his chin, mashing my fingers against his lips. He raises a brow, opens his mouth, and sucks the digits inside. My eyes go wide, and I drop my head to the door.
Between his devilish fingers pumping me achingly slowly and his tongue, I can’t concentrate on anything but the need burning through me.
“B,” I breathe, arching into him. With a groan, he kisses my fingers and says, “That’s it, baby. Give it to me.”
My toes curl as I moan, writhing against the wood. Everything flames, limbs, heart, soul, and I fly over, bowing off the door.
Bastion drops my feet to the floor, adjusting me so that my legs are over his shoulders before he nestles between them. I’m still shuddering from my orgasm when he thrusts his tongue into me, and the burn ratchets up again.