I jump into his arms and bite back a sob. Did we do it? Did I just do it? Could it really be so easy?
Fuck I hope so because I want nothing more than to be free.
Bastion pulls back, cupping my cheeks and I concede, I do want more, I want him.
“Baby,” he says fiercely, and I nod, my limbs liquifying.
I want him now, I need the connection to fully solidify the feelings pushing at my chest, but he looks around with a frown before saying roughly, “Not here.”
“Okay,” I say, leaning against him and licking his lip. “Let’s go home.”
Home. A foreign concept to be sure but now it fills me with air until I’m practically floating on my feet as he grabs my hand and pulls me from the room.
Unfortunately, the party is still going on, and even though we want to leave, Paddy eyes me with a frown and I blow out a breath.
B grumbles under his breath and I smile wide, my heart thumping when his eyes brighten.
Kissing his mouth because I can’t resist, I say, “I need to pee.”
“Okay, baby,” he says, clutching my hand and pulling me through the crowd.
In the hall, I slip from his fingers. I need a moment alone. “I’ll be back.”
He opens his mouth to argue, and I wave him off, turning down a hallway and leaning against the wall.
I’m still reeling over everything that’s happened. I may have dreamed of a life with B in my weaker moments, but now the reality is here, and I’m in total shock.
Still, I rub the ache in my chest and smile. It’s a good ache. The best kind.
“Iris.” At my name, I glance up, and my smile fades.
Shit. What the fuck is Finnen doing here?
I’m too shocked to do more than whisper. “What…?”
He looks me up and down with a cool expression, perfectly put together with his auburn hair swept back from his face.
I’m not in the headspace for this and merely stare as he peruses me. Finally, he meets my gaze, and I clamor for my facade, raising a brow.
It’s almost cruel for him to be here now because I’m not prepared. My walls are down and he’s about to rip away my happiness.
My skin burns with resentment as he adjusts the sleeve of his tailored suit, complete with pocket square, before nodding toward the door.
I don’t want to do this but I have no choice. This is the end I was dreading and my soul hurts as I step into a small library. Although nowhere near as majestic as Paddy’s office, it’s beautiful all the same with books lining the walls, complete with a fancy ladder.
My feet sink into a plush rug and I watch warily as he closes the door before turning to me with a weird glint in his eyes.
“What’s going on?” I ask, searching for the bitch persona that’s gotten me through moments such as these before.
Unfortunately, I’m disturbingly empty. This is not good news because it puts me at a disadvantage that I cannot afford to have.
“You know what’s going on. It’s time, Iris,” he says.
Don’t talk to me about time, I snarl in my head. Although wisely, I clear my throat instead and say miserably, “Please. Roman is dead. Consider it a gift.”