The gun discharges, and a chunk of drywall sprays my head. Ducking, I mutter, “Fuck!”
“I told you,” she squeaks, and I roll my eyes.
“You’re fucking useless,” I growl.
“Whatever. I can’t believe I’m telling you this. But whatever, here.”
She hands me a key, and I stare at it before raising a brow. Dropping the gun, thank fuck, she says, “It’s to the room upstairs. Remember, he’s always there.”
“Excuse me?”
“Wherever you go,” she says as though reciting something she’s memorized.
“Fuck.” John? This little bitch works for John? How long?
Grabbing her arm, I shove the gun away and hiss, “Where is he?”
“He’s waiting for you.” Her lower lip trembles, and I push her away. Am I supposed to feel sorry for her? Fuck no.
She’s betraying B right under his damn nose. Narrowing my eyes, I look her over coldly and say, “What does he have over you?”
“My sister.”
“Shit.” I don’t have the heart to tell her that he’s not going to keep his end of the deal. Hell, he’s probably hoping B will do the job for him.
Speaking of which, this house may be huge, but there’s no way someone didn’t hear the gunshot.
“You should go,” I say, grabbing the doorknob.
“I can’t. Not until—”
“Then I suggest you hide that damn gun and pretend you don’t know where it came from.”
She nods and shoves it under the mattress. Peeking out the door, I confirm the coast is clear and rush down the hall.
I’m just passing the kitchen when Bastion appears, and I wave my hands. “What was that?”
He looks beyond me with a frown before slowing. “I don’t know.”
Thankfully, he buys my fake panic and turns away, barking into his phone, “Status.”
I watch him go before looking at the key in my palm. Why did she give this to me?
And where is John?
I’m sipping my coffee when Alice enters the kitchen. Her sleepy blue eyes meet mine before they harden, and she pulls out the chair across from me.
“What happened last night?”
Setting my cup down, I eye her quietly. “You already heard.”
“What’s eating at Jig?”
“Alice,” I sigh, but she slams her hand on the table.
“Tell me.”