Page 69 of Jig's Last Dance

Either way, my tone is snarky when I reply, “Because he’s upped the ante.”

Despite Jig’s betrayal, I’m tired, and I need a damn clue. Maybe if I admit this much, someone will throw me a damn bone.

“Come again?” Cyn growls, and I glare at him impatiently. He’s hardly menacing when I’ve faced off with the fucking devil himself.

“Look, once again, I’m offering information when you fuckers haven’t said a word. You think it isn’t obvious? Please. I’m tired of the fucking attitude.”

Cyn clenches his jaw and moves to stand, but Rain grabs his knee just as Jig steps around the couch to stand before me. My heart skips a beat, but I order it to calm the fuck down.

Before it can get out of hand, assuming we were headed in that direction, Rain looks at me with her dark eyes and says, “You have to understand, Alice. We don’t know what your loyalties are to Castinetti.”

Nodding, I chew my lip and say, “Fair. But I don’t know you and McCafferty, either.”

She smiles, her eyes shining, but they darken when she says, “We answer to him.”

“Look, I could say the same, but I really don’t want to. Castinetti is . . .” I shudder.

Silence greets me before Rain says, “If it helps, McCafferty is looking to bring John down along with his disgusting business.”

Sucking in a shaky breath, I look at my fingers twisted before me. My heart stops once more at the thought of my father being involved in such a disgusting act. “I’d like that,” I say quietly.

“Then you need to pick a side,” she says, cocking her head.

“What if it’s the wrong one?” I whisper.

“Then we all go down together.”

We’re in the living room, and I’m sitting on the couch where Jig held me after my breakdown. At least this time, I have more pleasurable memories to block it out, but it doesn’t stop heat from filling my cheeks—at least until I glance at Jig and his fucking smirk. Then my eyes fill with ice.

His bright eyes widen, and he searches my gaze, but I merely stare back stonily until he looks away.

“Okay, let’s get on with it,” Bastion says, running a hand over his bald head.

“Why, you in a hurry?” Jig says playfully, but his eyes are pools of darkness.

“Yes, and so are you,” he barks.

Really? I guess he’s on to the next party and bitch. Fucker.

I look at Jig with venom before turning away and meeting Rain’s knowing stare. The best defense is offense, so I raise a brow, but she just smiles. I’m tempted to draw this out as long as possible just to prevent Jig from whatever he’s up to, but it’s useless. I can’t exactly cut off his dick.

Glancing at him speculatively, I smile evilly when he shifts his package away from me with a grimace before muttering, “Okay, Castinetti is punishing me.”

“For what?” Cyn asks.

“Because I defied him and went back to John’s. He knows about John and the keys. He told me to stay away from you because Jig could be dangerous.”

Jig chuffs and runs his hand through his hair, “Whatever. I didn’t kill your fucking father.”

“Right,” I mutter, refusing to look him in the eye. “So then, do you know why Iris mentioned you?”

The silence is long enough that I raise my head. My stomach drops to find Jig staring into nothing with a weird expression. “Jig?” I say, and his eyes ice over.

When he meets my gaze, I exhale shakily, shrinking as he approaches me. What the hell is wrong with him? He pulls his lips back in a snarl and says, “You want to know, Alice?”

The word yes trembles on my tongue, but I flinch and turn my head away when he grabs my chin, exhaling shakily when Cyn says, “Jig, knock it off. Alice, what else did he say?”

Shit, I’m still trying to regain my equilibrium after Jig’s vicious response to an innocent question. Why do I get the feeling he blames me for this?