Page 61 of Jig's Last Dance

“Of course.”

“Jig? I’m—”

“We gotta go,” Bastion says from the door.

I was going to say I’m scared, but maybe this interruption is for the best. I can’t trust Jig, not without knowing why Iris pulled him into the story, but I want to because I have to trust somebody, and it sure as fuck isn’t my honorary uncle. Just the thought of going back to his house makes me want to vomit. But if I don’t, I have a feeling I’m going to see the real Sal, and that scares the shit out of me.

“What’s up?” Jig asks.

“Meetup with Hate,” Bastion says, turning to me. “We’ll drop you on the way.”

I follow them to the SUV and contemplate my shitty world until we pull around to the school, where I spy Marco’s car in the lot.

“Shit. Can you drop me off by the field?” I ask, slumping in the seat even though the car has tinted windows.

My heart jackknifes in my chest at the thought of Sal catching me defying him. And with fear coating my tongue, I stare at Marco as we drive by. His head is bowed to his phone, but it flies up when we pass.

“Why?” Jig asks, turning to me.

“Don’t. Don’t look at me,” I say shakily.

Jig’s brows slam over his eyes, but he faces Bastion and says, “What’s going on?”

I hesitate and his mouth pulls back in a snarl. Rubbing my aching forehead, I say, “I’m not allowed to be anywhere but the mansion and school.”

Bastion pulls to the end of the lot and exits, and I turn in my seat to watch Marco watching the SUV.


“Why?” Jig asks.

Does he know? Did he see me?

“Why? Alice?”

Glancing back at Jig, I whisper, “Because I called him when I had no one else.”

Jig bows his head, and I stare out the window sadly. I did this. And now I have to figure out how to fix it.


Jig was silent as I exited, and they waited until I was under the fence and on school grounds before driving away. His face was like stone when I turned, and my heart felt like lead in my chest.

Once back inside the building, now quieter with most of the students gone for the day, I duck into the bathroom and stare at my reflection. Just a few short hours ago, I was determined to find answers. Now I wish I had stayed here because sometimes ignorance truly is bliss.

Fuck me.

Washing my hands, I work on the spots on my jeans and when they won’t come out. I sigh. How the fuck am I going to explain this?

“What are you doing?”

Glancing up, I find Shawn in the doorway, and sucking in a breath, I say, “Hit me.”

“What?” Her brows fly over her head.

“I have to make it look like I was in a fight.”

“Ali . . .”