Page 129 of Jig's Last Dance

But what can I do? Even if I somehow saved her, another will take her place.

Fuck, but I need out of this hell. At this point, if I have to, I’ll walk out of this state with nothing. I’m that desperate.


With stiff shoulders, I turn to Sal, and when I only stare at him mutely, he says, “You’re more like me than I imagined.”

“I’m nothing like you,” I spit, raising my chin when he looms above me.

“No? Your mother would never have shot your father like that.”

Pausing, I stare at him wide-eyed. “How?”

I made up some story about a fender bender and thought I got away with it when no one questioned me about his damn car.

His mouth tilts in a smile and he tsks. “Someone had to clean up the mess.”

Considering his assertion that I’m like him, I shudder and say slowly, “Maybe she would’ve, given the circumstances.”

He shakes his head. “No, bambina, she didn’t have it in her.”

His eyes glitter, and I look away from the approval I see there. Frankly, the odds are I’m more like Ice Man than this fuck, but it’ll do no good to point it out.

“Now that it’s settled, you’re free. See? I can be reasonable,” his eyes shine, and I nod, taking another step to the door.

I’m not stupid. This little game isn’t over, but I’ll say whatever I need to if it means an escape. Technically, I still have John’s money hidden away. I can take that shit and run. No one will find me if I don’t use my name.

“But I need what you picked up yesterday, hm?”

Freezing, I close my eyes and say to the door, “I never picked it up.”

“Really? Then it must still be there. Go and get it for me, will you?”

“Can’t you have someone else do it?”

Why is he so intent on it being me?

“I could, but we made a deal. Get the package and bring it to me.”


Ben isn’t around when I get to the house, and I dig up the money as quickly as possible, all the while looking over my shoulder.

When I’m done, I sit in Sal’s damn car and try to talk myself out of doing something foolish. Like meeting Rain so I can say goodbye to Jig.

Once I’m safely away, I’ll figure out a way to warn the girl. Then I can rest. Maybe.

With a sigh, I put the car in gear and head toward the arcade. I guess I’m going to be stupid after all, but my heart is telling me to do this.

I circle the inside of the arcade twice before exiting and leaning against the wall. Either they’re not here yet, or they’re not coming. This was stupid anyway.

I should go.


Turning my head, I spy Rain approach with a cautious expression and tip my head against the wall. Grudgingly, I wait while she settles next to me before saying, “What now?”

She raises a brow. “I’m sorry.”