“You don’t have a home. You have a place to stay while I let you, and my generosity wears thin. Find out what John knows, and I’ll consider letting you go,” he thunders.
Backing away, I stop when my legs brush the mattress and whisper, “You’re the bogeyman.”
After a pause, he says grimly, “Bambina, I’m your worst nightmare.”
The next morning, I get a text from Jig. My heart jumps into my throat when I see his name, and I curl up in my bed before opening it.
Despite the lies, I miss his bright smile. I miss the way he teases me into a good mood and cares for me even though I sense his struggle when he does. Maybe in another life, we could’ve been more, but clearly, it’s not meant to be in this one.
There’s too much between us that can’t be unraveled. Even now, I don’t know what’s true and what’s a lie.
Jig: Where u at? I expected a sexy nurse costume and lots of sponge baths
I laugh out loud, but it ends in a sob. I guess no one told him I’ve been banned. What to do? Shrugging, I type out a response. This was Cyn’s decision; he can take the blame.
Alice: You’re delusional. Ask your buddy why I’m not there
Alice: Just ask
Jig: Where are u?
Alice: Where I belong
Jig: Where’s that? The fuck does that mean?
Alice: It doesn’t matter, but thanks
Jig: For what? What’s going on?
Alice: For making me smile when there was nothing to smile about
Jig: Okay, sunshine, tell me what’s happening
With a sigh, I set the phone aside and rise. I should go to class, but what’s the point? I don’t need a high school education to be a mafia princess.
The phone buzzes several more times before the sound finally stops. I shower and dress with a fatalistic feeling and head downstairs.
I still have to pick up whatever John insisted I give to Sal, and although my skin crawls at the thought, at least I arranged for it to be at the run-down house instead.
Going back to the cabin was not an option. John gave in easily, which is suspicious, but maybe we saw what he wanted us to.
Who knows?
The machinations of all those around me are just that. This isn’t my problem, and now I have to figure my way clear. It won’t be easy, but I’m determined.
Sal isn’t here, but I find one of his goons outside. It’s Marco, the fucker who left me at John’s.
He meets my gaze with a blank stare, and I smile humorlessly. I thought he was a decent guy, but I was wrong.
“I need a car,” I say brusquely.
He drops his eyes to mine and frowns. “Mr. Castinetti provided you with a car.”
“Yep, and it’s not here. I need to borrow something else.”