I’m ready to get out of here, but all I can think about as we pull out of the lot is Ben’s weird reaction to our conversation.
And I ignore the fact that I didn’t tell my brother about Jig’s assertion that Sal’s my father because some part of me wonders if it wasn’t a lie, in which case, he’s known all along.
I doze all the way to the house, and when Bastion parks, I’m out the door. Although I’m wary of Jig’s motives, I’m still desperate to see him and make sure he’s okay with my own two eyes.
After that, I can freak out on his ass.
When I enter the house, I turn to Rain, who rises from the couch, her eyes drawn and her hair in disarray. Beside her, Cyn looks up from where his head was buried in his hands.
“What?” I ask, rocks forming in my stomach.
Rain looks between Bastion and me with her dark eyes, and I almost scream. Spit it out already.
“He’s okay. He’s sleeping,” she says, splaying her hands.
I sag and grab Bastion’s arm, ignoring his raised brows. I need something to hold on to. Damn it.
“But?” Bastion says, and I look up.
Rain’s face falls, and Cyn grunts. “You have to go, Alice.”
“Wh-what?” I whisper.
“There’s too many fucking secrets! And if you hadn’t gone out on that damn porch, Jig . . .”
Numbly, I stare at him. Maybe I am keeping information from them, but I’m playing a dangerous game. Can’t he see that?
When have these fuckers ever told me anything while I’ve betrayed my damn godfather and put myself in danger at that?
“Besides, if you’re working for Castinetti, there’s nothing we can do for you,” Cyn says, grinding his jaw.
“Oh, I see,” I huff. “Well, fuck you. I didn’t choose this. That fucker probably killed my parents, you piece of shit.”
Rain flinches, but I don’t fucking care. Stepping past Bastion, I stop on the porch. I don’t have my—Castinetti’s fucking car.
“Bro,” Bastion rumbles, but I don’t hear the response.
Instead, I start walking on my bum fucking leg.
Is this what Jig wants? Or Cyn?
Either way, it feels like a fucking knife to the gut. But beyond that, I’m alone. Ben’s off doing whatever, and now this?
Fuck me.
I’m wiping my face when Bastion appears in the SUV. I’d like to tell him to go to hell, but I know I’m not in a position to walk. So, grudgingly, I get inside.
“Where to?” Bastion says gruffly, and I lean my head against the cool glass.
“I don’t know,” I whisper.
I can feel his stare, but I don’t have the energy to care. Finally, he puts the vehicle in gear. We don’t speak until he pulls up to a double-wide across town. Blinking, I turn to look at him.
“It isn’t much,” he says gruffly, “but it’s mine. No one will come looking for you here.”
“Really?” I glance at the trailer and back to him, but he’s looking out the windshield.