“Looks like I’m breaking them again.”For me. He didn’t have to say it for me to know what he meant.

I searched his face, looking for some clue of what he was thinking, and if this was going to be a problem, but he gave me a reassuring smile and a quick kiss. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

I gathered a few more things that Jenna might want but was surprised to find I didn’t want to take much with me from my old life. I was ready to start fresh.

Holden didn’t speak much on the ride back, whether because of the three soldiers that rode back with us or because he was lost in thought. I’d expected to feel some kind of angst over killing Branson, but all I felt now was relief. It was over. Now the only thing I had to worry about was beating out the final contestants.

I mulled over that for a while, wondering what might be in store for us next and how much longer this might go on. In a matter of weeks, the playing field had been narrowed from twenty women to only eight. It would be no time until the next competition that would cut our number in half.

Once we arrived back at the estate, Holden walked me to Jenna’s room, leaving me outside her door with nothing but a kiss on the cheek before he disappeared down the hallway. I entered quietly, not wanting to disturb her. Sure enough, she was dead to the world, snoring as she always did when in a deep sleep.

Feeling immense relief that Branson could no longer harm or threaten all that remained of my family, I crawled into bed next to my sister. The weight of the day pressed down on me, and I fell asleep almost instantly.

I awoke to Jenna’s voice as she shook my shoulder. “Kayden? Kayden, what are you doing in here?”

I turned to my sister, opening my eyes, groggy from not getting enough sleep. “Trying to sleep. Can’t you see that?” Drained from last night, I groaned, rolled over, and pulled a pillow over my head.

Jenna immediately ripped it off. “You’re going to get in trouble if someone finds you here,” she hissed.

“Jenna,” I whined, “let me sleep.” But it was too late. I was fully awake now. I rolled back over to face her. “Holden knows I’m here. It’s okay.”

“What’s going on?” Her brows drew together in suspicion.

With a sigh, I tossed the covers off and grabbed the bag I’d brought from our home. “We made a surprise visit to the pack lands last night.” One by one, I pulled out the items I’d brought, mostly pictures, but I remembered the special blanket our mother had knitted for us when we were young.

Jenna’s eyes widened as she brought it to her face, inhaling deeply. “Why did you go? Surely not just to get things from our house.”

“No,” I said slowly, taking a deep breath. Then I told her everything, from the threat Branson had posed, to Holden and I being fated mates, to the attack and Branson’s subsequent death last night.

Jenna gaped. “You killed him?” Her voice was barely a whisper.

“Yes, and I’d do it again without a second thought.”

She blinked, seeming to see me for the first time as she shook her head. “I don’t even know you anymore.”

I laughed, though there wasn’t much humor to it. In a few short weeks, I had changed. Sometimes I didn’t recognize myself either. “It’s all going to be okay, Jenna. I promise.”

We talked a bit longer, mostly to satisfy her curiosity with the million questions she had about Holden being my fated mate, but all too soon Faye was knocking on the door. She waltzed in with fresh clothes, telling me I’d better hurry if I didn’t want to be late for breakfast.

After the quickest shower, I tied my wet hair back, threw on clothes, and hurried to the dining hall with Faye accompanying me the entire way, thanks to Holden’s new rules.

Every eye was on me as I found a place to sit next to Brooklyn, who turned to me with a curious smile. “What’s the story?”

I blinked. “What do you mean?” Surely word hadn’t gotten around about Branson already.

“Last night,” Brooklyn whispered. “When Holden pulled you from dinner? Everyone’s been speculating about you going on a date and how they think you’re his favorite.”

If they only knew half of it. “Honestly, I can’t say anything,” I told her.

“Sydnee was pissed,” she said, grinning.

I smiled back. Of course she was. “Good.”

Brooklyn and I walked to PT together after Willow announced that today’s training would take place on the beach. The weather was chillier than usual, the sky covered with gray clouds, the cold wind whipping off the choppy waves. A storm was rolling in.

Ignoring Sydnee’s death glare, I took a spot on the sand as far from her as possible and began stretching.

“…breaking all the rules, like she thinks she’s better than the rest of us.” Sydnee’s voice drifted to me on the breeze, and I took a deep breath to keep my cool. It wouldn’t serve anyone for me to snap back. I wasn’t here for her, I was here for Holden, and I would do well to remember that and keep my focus. Letting her drag me into her bullshit was a waste of energy.