“Agreed.” Garrett pulled his shirt over his head and grinned. “Though you can’t go to bed just yet. You have a competition to watch.”

“There you are,” my father said as we left the woods. He was waiting for us. “I figured you might have gone for a run. The women are getting ready for dinner. Would you like to join me in watching the recordings from today?”

“I’d like to watch them alone, actually,” I told him. “I don’t want anything to influence my opinion.”

Father nodded. “Sounds like a plan. It will take you a while to review everything. I’ll have dinner sent to your quarters if you’d like to watch them there. I’m sure Garrett won’t mind keeping the ladies occupied at dinner.”

Garrett, ever the ladies’ man, agreed enthusiastically. “I just might charm them to decide they’d rather take me over you, Holden.”

I laughed. “I wouldn’t be surprised.”

Half an hour later, I was showered and settled in front of the large screen in my den with a steak and potato dinner, riveted at what was happening. Kayden had taken charge immediately, and her strategy was on point. More than that, though, I watched her wolf more than the others. Silvery white, just like her hair, her beast was beautiful. Strong and determined, smart—capable.

The wolf form often magnified a personality. It held true in Kayden’s case. Despite the ferociousness of her wolf, I could still sense her compassion and kindness, even as she made difficult decisions and fought to win.

I sat up and yelled at the screen towards the end when Sydnee ripped off Kayden’s collar, disqualifying her. Well, shit… that complicated matters.

Honestly, I didn’t want to eliminate Sydnee, even though her poor sportsmanship was appalling. While I wasn’t attracted to her, she was the most qualified of all the women to be an alpha’s wife. I knew she’d do well in the position, so I wanted to keep her around a little longer to get to know her better.

Even if my gut reaction to seeing her best Kayden was irritation and anger. It might have been a stupid move, but it wasn’t enough to eliminate her. By the time I made it to the end of the videos, I had a few women in mind, but I needed a bit more time to think. Maybe a walk would be helpful.

A few minutes later, I found myself on the third floor, walking toward Kayden’s hallway. The hall was deserted, and I stopped in front of her door, my fist hovering inches away as I debated if this was a good idea. In the end, I knew I wouldn’t walk away.

I rapped three times on the door, and a muffled reply came in return. My pulse ratcheted up as I waited impatiently, the need to see her stronger than ever before. When Kayden pulled the door open, it was worth the wait. She was in pajamas, more of her tan skin on display than I’d ever seen before. Instantly, my wolf stood at attention, and a deep need stirred to life. What was it about her that had me so entranced?

I raked my gaze over her body, desire flaring to life. Everything in me screamed to reach out and touch her, pull her into my arms and pick up where we’d left off last night. I managed to refrain, not wanting to scare her but also not wanting to get in even deeper with her just yet. There were fifteen other women, and I needed to give them a fair chance.

“Holden?” Her voice was breathy, her tongue darting out to lick her lips, and I realized I hadn’t said a word. I was just staring into those honey eyes, captivated, wondering what it would feel like to run my fingers through that long, silky hair. Wanting to taste those lips for myself.

I shook my head, hoping to shake myself out of my trance. “Hey, Kayden. Do you have a few minutes?” I looked beyond her into her dark room, realizing she’d been asleep. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“Does this have something to do with my pack?” The panic in her eyes made it an easy choice not to tell her Branson was here. Why stress her out even more?

“No, I wanted to tell you that you won’t be eliminated.”

She frowned and tilted her head. “You don’t usually deliver that news in person.”

“Maybe I just wanted to see you.” I glanced down the hallway. No sign of anyone else, but that might not last long. “Can I come in?”

She swallowed nervously, the motion drawing my attention to the smooth skin of her neck. Did I make her nervous? Was she remembering our kiss—just as I was? I had to remind myself that wasn’t why I was here. As much as I wanted a repeat of last night, I didn’t want her to feel pressured.

Kayden stepped back and held the door open. “Sure.”

I walked into the dim room, and Kayden quickly flipped on a few lamps. I took in her personal space, her lavender and sage scent nearly overpowering my resolve not to pull her into my arms. The cream, black and pink were elegant, sophisticated, and sexy. “Are your accommodations suiting you?”

“What?” She glanced around. “Oh, yeah, they’re fine. However, I have enough clothing now to dress an entire army. Or at least to supply a fashion show.”

My gaze fell to her silky shorts and low-cut cami, and she quickly crossed her arms. Okay, hint taken. I found a chair by the window and settled in, giving her space to choose where she wanted to be.

She sat on the edge of her bed. “I’m pretty sure you didn’t come to check out how my room was suiting me. Is everything okay?” Worry creased her forehead. “Have you heard from my sister?”

I shook my head. “As far as I know, your sister is fine.” I’d be making sure of it, though, as soon as I got back to my apartment. “How areyou? Today was the first competition, after all.”

She sighed, her shoulders slumping in relief that I wasn’t bringing bad news. She looked tired.

“I’m sorry I missed it, by the way.” I sighed. “I really wanted to watch firsthand, but that’s one of the things about my position. Sometimes I have to drop everything when important business comes up at a moment’s notice.”

Kayden gave me a curious smile. “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. Knowing you were watching might have made me nervous anyway.”