“What’s a poor choice is going along with this ridiculous plan,” I retorted. Holden closed his eyes, but I didn’t care. I wasn’t going to go along with this without letting them know exactly what I thought.

“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. A million times more if that’s what it takes to get through to you all.” I looked from Holden to Bridger to David to Garrett, who were all watching me—judging me.

Fine. They wanted to know what kind of alpha’s wife I’d be? I’d show them. One who wasn’t afraid to speak her mind and point out the flaws in the alpha’s plan.

“Branson has no desire to negotiate peace. It isn’t even on his radar. It’s simply not what he wants. He wants to maintain control and keep a firm grasp on his power so he can gather strength and numbers. Anything you do that makes him appear weak will only come back to bite you in the ass. You think he will happily agree when I suggest he accept Holden as alpha?” I laughed in disbelief. “You’re deluding yourselves. He will never settle for seeing Holden as alpha. I can promise you this. He won’t stop coming for Holden until he’s put down.”

The four men sat in stunned silence for a moment before exchanging glances.

“At this point,” Bridger finally said, “unless we plan on killing one of our alphas, we have no choice but to negotiate peace with Branson. Unfortunately, he hasn’t broken any laws.”

I scowled at the group, not caring that they were judging my actions and words even now, testing me to see what kind of mate I’d be for Holden. It was beyond frustrating, yet I had no choice but to go along with their plan. They wanted me to prove myself?

Fine. I only hoped they were ready for me.



Two large black vehicles sat parked in the long driveway near the garage on the far side of the estate property. Ten of my men, including Garret, Cal, and Jax, were already loaded up, waiting for Kayden and me to join them before we made the trek to Branson’s territory.

We should arrive about an hour after sunset. Our intel told us the meeting between Branson and the two other alphas was set to begin in an hour and a half. We’d be late since we were taking vehicles instead of going in wolf form, but we needed to reserve our energy in case things went sour, which I fully expected they could.

“I still think this is a piss-poor plan, Holden.” Kayden had made herself abundantly clear, to my father’s frustration. Unfortunately, his mind was made up that this was the way she could prove herself. I had a sinking feeling that Kayden wouldn’t follow anyone’s plan but her own if it came down to it.

I rested my hand on her lower back as we crossed the lawn. “This isn’t the plan I want, but it’s the only one available to us right now.”

I’d spoken with him multiple times today, but my father insisted that Kayden prove herself. If I wanted him to accept me choosing Kayden as my mate, she needed to show she could follow directions and listen to her future alpha. I ground my teeth, knowing I was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

“What are you planning, then?” she asked.

“The one we spoke about last. Garrett agrees that dismantling the pack entirely and forming two new ones is the way to go.”

Kayden shook her head and huffed out a frustrated breath. “Seriously? Even after I told you it wouldn’t work? That’s an even worse plan than what we’re doing now.”

I wanted to question her further, but we’d arrived at the vehicles and it was time to go. Kayden and I climbed into the vehicle that Garrett was driving, sitting in the middle row.

“Ready?” Garrett asked, arching his eyebrows as he looked between us. Kayden’s mouth was set in a grim line, but I subtly shook my head at him. Not the time for questions.

“Let’s do this,” I said, pulling the door shut.

As the vehicles rumbled down the driveway and onto the main road, I took Kayden’s hand and laced my fingers with hers, my thoughts preoccupied with what we might find when we arrived. If we were lucky, Branson and his minions would have no idea we were coming, and we’d have the element of surprise on our side.

Despite my father and David seeming to think this could work, I highly doubted it. My experience with Branson so far led me to believe Kayden might be right about death being the only way to take care of him. But if I wanted Kayden as my mate, I was willing to try things Father’s way.

The closer we got to Branson’s territory, the more uneasy I became. Who knew what might go down? The idea of putting my mate in harm’s way didn’t sit well with me. Every recent visit I’d made to these lands had ended in bloodshed. What was to say this wouldn’t be the same?

I held her hand tighter, telling myself it would be okay but also knowing that if it came down to it, I’d be willing to bend the rules if it meant keeping Kayden safe. Once again, I was reminded of how being mates affected my judgment, but I didn’t see much of a choice in this case.

Kayden tensed as our vehicles made their way through the woods surrounding the small shifter town at the center of her old pack lands. If it weren’t for the car full of my men, I would have taken her in my arms and comforted her, but now wasn’t the time or place.

Her shoulders were drawn up as we pulled to a stop before breaking through the trees.

“We’ll go on foot from here,” Garrett said, killing the engine. We all poured out of the two vehicles, twelve of us, Kayden, the only female.

I’d told them all that under no circumstances was Kayden to be harmed, but I was still on edge, knowing that anything could happen. Before we headed into town, I pulled Kayden aside behind the vehicle, gesturing to Garrett to talk to the others while we had a private moment.

Out of sight of the others, I pulled her close, wrapping my arms around her. “Just stick with the plan, and everything should be fine,” I whispered, then pressed a kiss to her cheek.