“What about you, Jessica?” Sydnee’s voice was saccharine sweet, just like her fake smile. Jessica hadn’t said anything before, and as I looked at her, I knew why.

Her face was pink as she looked down at the deck. “I never have. I don’t get in the water much if I can help it.”

“Ah, yes. I noticed. You certainly struggled during training, didn’t you?” Sydnee clucked her tongue. “That’s too bad. You’re really missing out.”

I rolled my eyes as she turned back to Madison. “What do you say we get out of here?” I whispered, not interested in sticking around while the other women finished their drinks.

Jessica nodded, and we made our way to the port side of the yacht and the long dock beyond. “I yelled at Holden when I was on my date with him.”

“You did?” I turned to her, surprised. “About what?”

“About how he—” Her voice cut off with a shriek as she stumbled to the side, flying off the edge of the dock into the dark water.

“Jessica!” Almost as soon as her body hit the water, a second splash followed, much bigger. I gasped as I realized she hadn’t fallen at all. She’d been pushed by Madison, who’d shifted and jumped in after her.

I glanced around in a panic as it dawned on me what was happening. Madison was challenging Jessica—in the water. My heart raced, my pulse thundering in my ears as some of the other women who had come onto the dock after us began crowding around to see what was happening.

“She’s attacking her,” Brooklyn cried, her hand flying up to her lips. “Why isn’t she shifting?”

“Jessica,” I yelled, my heart in my throat. “Shift!Shift, damn it!”

But she wasn’t doing anything, just flailing around. Madison raked her paw through the water, her claws tearing four giant gashes through Jessica’s shoulder. Blood poured out, and still, Jessica didn’t shift.

Madison was unrelenting, apparently not caring if her victim fought back or not. Her wolf swam swiftly, effortlessly through the water, jaws wide open as she flung herself towards Jessica. Madison knocked her backward, pushing her under the water, then yanking her up again by her arm, sharp canines sunk deep into Jessica’s flesh. Madison shook her head, tossing Jessica’s body around like a rag doll.

Why isn’t she shifting?

Instinct took over. I shifted in the span of a heartbeat, leaping from the dock in a massive push and propelling my wolf’s body into the water. I landed on top of Madison, clamping my teeth into the scruff of her neck. She arched back, growling, but I had the advantage. Using all the strength I could muster, I pulled her away from my friend and snarled.

The water appeared to be only neck deep, but Jessica struggled to keep her head above water, her body flailing, even as blood gushed from her wounds.

Madison was on me in the next second, taking advantage of the opportunity. She snapped her vicious jaws at me, and I reared back just in time to keep them from sinking into my neck. Madison wasn’t messing around, and adrenaline dumped into my veins as I realized this had become a challenge between the two of us.

We tumbled and turned in the water, each trying to get the best of the other, but it wasn’t until we made our way to shore that I could truly fight.

This was different from any fight I’d been in before. It became immediately apparent when Madison’s wolf eyes stared me down as she charged. There was a dangerous gleam there that told me she would be relentless—that she wasn’t willing to lose.

Soaking wet and already tiring, I barely had time to pivot before Madison was upon me, knocking me on my back, trying to pin me. I snarled, sinking my teeth into her leg. She wanted a fight? I’d give her one. Because what she didn’t know was that I had a lot more riding on this challenge than she did. If I lost, I had no choice but to be eliminated.

The mere thought gave me enough strength to heave the wolf off me and regain my footing. I immediately went on the attack, swiping my claws across her exposed flank. She howled in pain, then bared her teeth. Not wanting to lose my advantage, I dove, tumbling head over foot with Madison until I pinned her.

She snarled and struggled, but I had her good. I pushed a paw into her throat, urging her to surrender. But she managed to fling me off, her strength and determination more than I’d expected.

We were fighting to remain here, and it suddenly hit me that Madison might not be willing to surrender. After gaining the upper hand one more time, having her in a position of submission yet again, she still refused to give up.

My breathing was ragged as I stared down at her, the choice in front of me clear. But it wasn’t one I was willing to make. I wouldn’t kill her. Not if she would submit.

Fucking submit already, I silently urged her. But I hesitated too long, giving Madison the chance to get free of my hold. She came at me again, harder this time. Making it clear she was going to fight to the death if that’s what it took.

My pulse roared in my ears as I gave it my all, digging deep to find some reserves of energy, but it was a losing battle. My energy was waning, especially when Madison’s sharp teeth hit home, sinking into my back leg. I howled, the pain searing as it ripped through me. I couldn’t give up. There was too much at stake.

Limping, I backed away, trying to find an advantage that could end this now.

I risked looking away from Madison for a heartbeat, needing to make sure Jessica was okay. To my horror, all the women were just standing on the dock, watching the battle unfold. I looked to the water but could no longer see Jessica. Where was she?

Raw fear coursed through my veins. I had to get to her.

But Madison was charging once more. I had one choice. Kill her and end this, so that I could save Jessica. Or go for Jessica and risk Madison killing us both. There was no choice.