“First,” I walked down the line of women, “we’ll go for a jog, then up the ante with a series of suicides.” Groans lifted in the air, but I simply grinned, gesturing to my left. “Dalton will be demonstrating.”

Dalton moved to the first in a series of lines marked in the sand, beginning at the far side and sprinting toward the second line before doubling back and darting to the third and back, then the fourth. The drill was hard enough on a regular surface, but the beach massively increased the difficulty.

“Ready? Let’s go!”

I jogged alongside them, warming my body up, and enjoying the feel of the sea breeze on my face. I observed the contestants as they ran, my gaze drifting to Kayden’s toned form more than any other. I had to be more careful with her until I figured out a plan.

Once we’d completed the warm-up drills, we moved on to an obstacle course we’d erected on the beach, demonstrating how to maneuver with each challenge. There were ropes, climbing walls, and tire runs interspersed, the course leading to a section of water marked by buoys.

“Let’s practice a few laps before we start running the course,” I directed, then dove into the water. It was cold but refreshing, the feeling of propelling my body through the water one of my favorite forms of exercise. I led the way around the buoy a hundred yards out, frequently stopping to check on the girls. Kyle and Dalton were there for assistance as well, but most of them seemed fairly confident in the water.

Kayden, Sydnee, and Madison held the lead, their swimming skills not lacking in the least, while the rest of the group were on par with each other. Jessica managed to make it through the course, but not without struggle. She came in last, waterlogged and a bit on edge when she finally made it back to shore, looking like the water was her mortal enemy.

We ran the course a few times, timing the girls for the added challenge and motivation. As expected, the three strongest proved their skills once again. After they’d been worked to the point of exhaustion, I called them all back to me on the beach.

“You all worked incredibly hard today. I appreciate and notice your efforts. As a reward, I’m giving you the afternoon off to relax, followed by a group date on a yacht docked at a nearby harbor.”

A murmur of excitement ran through the group. “Your assistants know what to do. Enjoy your afternoon, and I’ll see you at the harbor at five o’clock.”

I made my way back toward the estate and took a quick shower, washing off the salt from the ocean. When I exited my bathroom, I found Garrett sitting in the chair in my bedroom, his legs propped up on the table.

“I’m coming on the boat tonight,” he said by way of greeting.

“Hello to you, too. Glad you just made yourself at home,” I replied, my voice colored with sarcasm as I walked naked across the room toward my closet. “Maybe you should just come on into the bathroom next time?”

Garrett laughed. “Maybe I will.”

I pulled on a pair of pants. “And why do you think you’re coming on my group date tonight?”

He shrugged, a rakish grin curving his lips. “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”

I rolled my eyes. “Seriously, Garrett?”

“I’m teasing.” He put his feet back on the floor and leaned forward, propping his arms on his thighs. “I actually wanted to talk to you about the situation with Branson. I’ve been in conversation with some other alphas, gathering some opinions, and I have an idea of how to proceed.”

“Why can’t you just tell me now?”

He blinked, then chuckled. “You got me. I just want to go out on your fancy boat.”

I waved my hand. “That’s fine. But what about Branson?”

“The idea I find most promising is to completely dissolve the pack, strip them of their name, then split the pack into two new packs within the same territory. It will reduce their numbers and make rebellion more difficult, but that shouldn’t even be an issue if we exile Branson permanently—and anyone involved with him.”

I nodded my head slowly. The idea had merit. I wondered what Kayden would think of it? She’d hated my first attempt at dealing with Branson, but this sounded promising.

“I’ll need to think about it. Come along tonight, and we can talk more—but no sweet talking the contestants until after they’re eliminated,” I added with a smirk, knowing my best friend too well.

* * *

“To the top ten,”I toasted, raising my champagne flute in the air as everyone was served on the aft deck bar of my family yacht. The ladies all lifted their glasses, smiling. “You’ve all done something to prove yourselves to make it this far. You should be proud. I hope you enjoy this evening cruise as a respite from all the challenges you’ve faced.”

I gestured around the deck at the grand buffet spread out, the plush seats offering brilliant views of the land, and the dance floor that had been erected under the open sky. “There are hot tubs on the bow if anyone is interested. Your assistants made sure there was a swimsuit for each of you.”

I then let them know the order of our private dates, randomized by Willow, and that we’d each have thirty minutes together. It wasn’t much, but it was imperative that I spend some time really understanding these women, so I’d know who to place in which council position.

Sydnee was up first, and we spent most of the time discussing the ball and her thoughts on the Contention so far. She would be a difficult one to place. Her knowledge and skills made her an excellent contender for an alpha’s wife—but how could that best serve me on my council?

I didn’t see Kayden until over halfway through the night, and I took her to a lower level where the private aft deck allowed us to watch the last rays of the sunset with no prying eyes.