“You did an amazing job leading us, Kayden.” Jessica smiled, her eyes shining. “You should be so proud.”

I was, but Holden’s comments had stung. “Thanks. I don’t know how I feel about putting myself on the line for such an ungrateful man, though.”

Jessica’s father glanced between us, his brows lifting high. “You sacrificed yourself for an alpha. I can think of nothing more noble.”

I offered him a small smile, though I didn’t feel noble at the moment. In fact, I was more than a little frustrated. Holden had been angry with me for intervening in his fight, but what did he expect? That I just let my mate take a hit that would have been disastrous if it were real?

We discussed the trial a bit longer, but soon Faye appeared by my side and bent down to whisper, “Jenna’s room is ready if you’d like to come with me.”

I was relieved for the opportunity to leave the ball. Exhaustion was weighing on me.

“I think you’ll find this room to your liking,” Faye said to Jenna as we made our way to the second floor and down the hallway. “Your sister spent a few nights here recently.”

Jenna quirked a brow, and I shook my head. “I’ll have to catch you up another time.” Turning to Faye, I asked, “How much time do I have with my sister? Holden said I couldn’t interact with her much, that it’s against the rules.”

Faye gave me a regretful look. “I’m afraid he’s right. We have to follow the rules.”

That’s what he’d said, which made my gut twist with anxiety. Holden was a rule follower. He said he’d find a way around the laws that kept us apart but worry nagged me. When it came down to it, would he be able to ignore the laws that had governed the pack for centuries? Nausea welled in my stomach.

As Faye led us to the guest suite I’d stayed in the last couple nights, I hugged Jenna. “There’s so much I want to talk to you about, but I’m afraid it will have to wait. Holden said you could stay as long as you like. You needn’t worry about going back to Branson.”

Jenna’s shoulders slumped with relief. “You seem to trust Holden. Like him, even.” There was a question in her voice, but I didn’t dare respond to that, not with Faye right here.

I gave her a look that I hope conveyed that message well enough, then turned to Faye. “Will you look after her? Since I’m not supposed to.”

“Of course.” Faye waved her hand like it wasn’t even a question. “And all of our resources are at your disposal, Jenna. If there’s anything you want or need, all you have to do is ask.”

“Thank you so much. I don’t know what to say.”

I gave her another hug, told her goodnight, then followed Faye back to my room, my mind occupied with thoughts of how Holden had spoken to me. How mad he’d been. An idea struck.

“Can I request time with Holden the way he requests it with the contestants?” I asked when we’d gone into my room and shut the door.

Faye clucked her tongue. “It doesn’t really work that way, unfortunately.” She must have seen the disappointment on my face because she quickly added, “I can try, of course. But there’s no guarantee, so don’t get your hopes up.”

Faye spoke into her headset while I tried to get a brush through my hair. The elegant updo had been destroyed in the fight. A few minutes later, Faye received a response.

“Holden said he can meet you by the fountain in twenty minutes,” she relayed.

My heart sped up, excitement at seeing him flooding me, even as worry nagged me. “Thank you so much, Faye. I’m just going to shower, so I don’t think I need anything else tonight.”

“You know how to reach me if that changes,” she said before disappearing out the door.

I took a quick shower and pulled on some pajamas and a jacket before rushing outside to the fountain. Holden was already waiting there when I arrived.

The look in his eyes was unreadable; an irrational fear struck me as I sat beside him. “You’re angry.”

He arched a brow. “You know why.”

I swallowed. “Are you going to send me home for sacrificing myself like that?”

He reeled back, his face twisting in shock. “Are you serious, Kayden? I would never send you home for something like that.” He reached out and grabbed both my hands, holding them tightly. “I want you. I want us to be together. You’re my mate. I don’t know how to make it any clearer how much I want this to work.”

Relief flooded me, and I felt silly for jumping to conclusions. “I’m sorry. I just didn’t know what to think. You were so upset.”

“And I’m sorry for that.” He reached up and brushed a damp strand of hair back from my face. “We need to get better at hiding that we’re mates, though. For the rest of the competition. Our behavior tonight will get us found out if we aren’t careful.”

I nodded. He was right.