Usually, I liked to wear it down, but the backless dress dipped low on my hips, and I didn’t want it covering anything. “How about an updo?”

Faye squealed. “Who even are you today? I love it.”

I laughed. The pageantry of the Contention definitely wasn’t my favorite part, but tonight was different. I wanted to feel beautiful and Holden to only have eyes for me. Because despite the things he’d said and the intimacy we’d shared, I was no fool. This competition was far from over. And I had more than one reason to give it my all now.

Several hours later, I stood on the pedestal in my freshly sewn dress, turning in slow circles as I admired myself.

“You’re absolutely gorgeous, Kayden,” Faye breathed, and from the way she looked at me, her eyes sparkling with pleasure, I knew she wasn’t just saying that.

“I agree,” Opal said as she made one last adjustment to the hem, surprising me with a kind remark. “You’ll be hard-pressed to find a more beautiful dress at the ball, if I do say so myself.”

The dress was perfect, a slim-strapped halter design in a shimmering silk that hugged my form to my knees, where it flared out slightly, and a small train cascaded behind me. Hundreds of tiny beads made it somewhat heavy, but the effect was dramatic and elegant, and I’d never felt prettier in my entire life.

My hair was twisted up in intricate braids, and curls piled on top. I felt like a princess from a storybook, something I’d never once thought about myself. Anticipation unfurled in my belly, nervous energy skating over my skin.

“Is it time?” I asked.

Faye nodded, looking for all the world like a proud mother on her daughter’s wedding day. My heart clenched, wishing I had family here with me, but Faye had become the closest thing to a sister since I arrived, and I wrapped my arms around her in a hug.

“Thank you for everything,” I whispered. “I’m glad you’re my assistant.”

She sniffed and pulled back, blinking rapidly. “You’re going to make me cry.”

I laughed. “Don’t do that because I might, too, and my makeup looks so good.”

“You’re right.” Faye gave a slight shake of her head and quickly composed herself. “Now, let’s get you downstairs. You have a ball to attend.”

When we entered the ballroom, it was even more beautiful than I’d hoped. The sun had set, the lights were dim, and the thousands of candles gave the entire room a magical glow.

I stopped just inside the doorway, taking it all in. There were over a hundred people already here, more than I’d expected. I cast my gaze around the room, my jaw dropped when it landed on my assigned table. Because sitting there, a huge grin on her face, was Jenna.

I gasped, picking up my skirts and rushing toward her as quickly as I could in the four-inch heels I was wearing. Jenna stood as I approached, and I flung my arms around her, trying as hard as I could to keep myself from crying.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, pulling back and studying her face, unable to believe she was here.

Jenna laughed. “Surprise!”

“No kidding.” I shook my head and looked around, realizing for the first time that many of the men and women gathered here were having similar interactions with the other contestants. “Who set this up?”

Jenna shrugged. “I received a call from someone named Amanda, who said she was an assistant here. It looks like this was part of the deal for everyone.”

I didn’t know if this was a normal part of the ball or not, but I certainly wasn’t complaining. I wrapped my arms around my sister once more, relishing the feeling of having her here, knowing she was safe and sound. That Branson hadn’t taken anything out on her.

“Okay,” Jenna said when I released her again, pulling out a chair and sitting down. “I’ve been on pins and needles for two weeks now, wondering what was going on. Spill the beans, sis. I want to heareverything.”



“What did you think of it?”

I glanced down at the woman in my arms, my feet moving automatically around the dance floor, then flicked my gaze back to Kayden.

She was standing with a cluster of people at a high-top table, her head thrown back in laughter, gripping her sister’s arm while Jenna regaled the group with some humorous tale. I’d never seen Kayden like this, and it was fascinating.

“Think of what?” I murmured.

“Holden. Are you listening to anything I’m saying?” Sydnee’s sharp tone had me forcing my eyes from my mate once more. From the way her lips were pursed, she already knew the answer.