“No, roses are overdone,” Brooklyn insisted. “We need lilies.”

I looked between the two of them. We were getting nowhere. “We need a color scheme—then we can determine what flowers will work best.”

Jessica and Brooklyn nodded in agreement. I perked up when Kessa smiled at me as she passed by our table, watching as she continued to where Sydnee was sitting with her committee comprised of her bitch squad. Sydnee raised her voice, clearly wanting everyone to hear her.

“I want to make sure we have all of Holden’s favorite foods available for him tonight,” she said. “And I know just what he likes.”

Unable to help myself, irritated that she thought she knew him so well, I leaned back in my chair and said, “I have a suggestion for you then. Holden’s favorite restaurant is owned by one of Kessa’s dear friends. You should check with her on catering.”

From the corner of my eye, I saw Kessa smile and nod slightly, but Sydnee leveled a glare at me. “Perhaps you should mind your own business and stick to your own committee.” She turned back to her team. “We’ll be using the kitchen staff tonight.”

“Whatever,” I muttered, and Jessica snorted softly.

“She thinks she knows him so well,” she whispered, “but I agree with you.”

It seemed Kessa did as well, judging by the way she frowned at Sydnee. I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride that Holden’s mother agreed with me.

We worked tirelessly for hours, only stopping for a brief lunch break. Jessica was full of excellent ideas, so while I took a more managerial role assigning tasks and ensuring everything was taken care of, she headed up the creative side of things. Brooklyn worked hard as well, and by the time we wrapped it up, we’d ensured the decorations were complete or were waiting on an assistant to fulfill the remaining items needed.

“We have an hour to spare,” Brooklyn said excitedly. “Does that mean we can get started with our designers early?”

“I’m just going to check in with the decorators in the ballroom to make sure they have everything they need,” I told her, “but otherwise, I don’t see why not. I’ll check with Willow.”

Sure enough, we were excused early, and I took a few minutes to observe the results of our hard work. The ballroom was a massive three-story circular room on the far north end of the estate, made of intricately carved woodwork, its walls covered in elegant gilded wallpaper.

As I stepped inside, I saw that the team of decorators we’d been assigned to fulfill our vision had already done most of the work, and it was beautiful. Beautiful flower arrangements of burgundy and white sat on every white-linen-covered table, with large matching centerpieces on the grand buffet table. Twinkling lights hung suspended over the dance floor, and candelabras of varying heights lined the walls. The sun hadn’t set yet, but I imagined the place would be transformed into something truly magical when it did.

I checked in with the decorators and assistants, ensuring they had everything they needed, before I made my way back to my room.

Faye was waiting for me in my new room with a short older woman with bolts of fabric spread out everywhere, lining the walls, covering the bed, and stacked on the table. In the center of the back wall, a three-way mirror and pedestal had been brought in. Next to it stood a clothing rack with a dozen dresses.

“Up here, girl,” the woman said in a commanding voice. “Let’s get your measurements.”

I blinked at her abruptness and glanced at Faye, who gave me a small shrug and tiny smile. “This is Opal, one of Kessa’s favored designers. We’re lucky to have her assigned to you.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Kayden.”

Opal simply clapped her hands sharply. “Do you think we have all day? I don’t know what Willow was thinking, wanting us to alter a ballgown in a matter of hours.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I rushed to the pedestal, not wanting to get on this woman’s bad side, if I hadn’t already.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Opal demanded. “Strip down, girl.”

“Oh, um, okay.” Quickly, I took my dress off, standing only in my bra and underwear. This tiny woman had some fire in her, and I was wise enough to know not to cross her. This had to be done, and my cooperation would get it done faster, even if being poked and prodded by pins as Opal took measurements and fitted me wasn’t my idea of a fun time.

Faye made small talk with her as she worked, admiring all the dresses Opal had brought along. “What color are you thinking, Kayden? Perhaps something that coordinates nicely with the decor? You don’t want to clash, after all.”

“Green,” I said immediately, remembering it was Holden’s favorite color.

“A good choice,” Opal muttered, one of the first nice things she’d said. “It will go well with your hair.”

I smiled, imagining the look in Holden’s eyes when he saw me tonight.

“Okay,” Opal continued, finally stepping away from me. “I’ve got the gist of what will work best on your body type.” She reached for one of the dresses on the rack. “Put this on, and we can make some adjustments, then I’ll have a custom design whipped up for you in a matter of hours.”

I did as she said, and soon enough, Opal was departing the room, leaving Faye and me with nothing to do but hair and makeup while the dress was made.

“Your stylist will be here shortly,” Faye said. “What are you thinking for your hair?”