Once I’d made peace with that course of action, I felt better. I could put it all aside for the rest of the night. When I got back to my room, Jessica was waiting inside. I jumped in surprise at the sight of her sitting at my table.

“Sorry,” she said quickly, jumping to her feet. “Faye finally told me where I could find you.”

I cleared my throat and made my way inside. “How was your date?”

Jessica shrugged. “It was nice. We had dinner, then a walk on the beach. Holden remembered how much I loved the beach.”

My chest felt tight, my stomach twisting at her words, but I forced myself to smile and act rationally. Unless I planned on telling her about the mate bond, which I didn’t, then I didn't need to act like a crazy woman, jealous at the slightest thing.

“Honestly,” she continued, “it felt more like old friends hanging out and catching up than a date. Holden was polite but didn’t seem very interested in me. And to be perfectly honest, I didn’t feel that spark either.” She shrugged. “Not that I’d know what that felt like, but hopefully, it’s more exciting than my date.”

She laughed, and I cracked a genuine smile at that. “I’m pretty sure when you know, you know.”

“Maybe. I’m not here for love, though. I just want a council position,” she admitted.

That had been my plan too. Until fate had come along and turned everything completely upside down.



“Some of the women’s families will be arriving tonight,” Willow said, referencing her tablet, “and some in the morning. But all should be here well before the ball begins tomorrow.”

I nodded, then took a sip of coffee. Willow was in my suite, updating me on everything that would happen over the next few days.

She looked up to make sure I was paying attention, and honestly, I couldn’t blame her. My mind had been full of thoughts of Kayden ever since she’d left the infirmary the night before last.

“Remember, Holden, whatever happens at the ball, just go with it.”

“And you can’t tell me anything other than that?” I asked, even though we’d been over this before.

“I can’t disclose too much information, or it could affect the outcome of events. Just trust me here.” She swiped her finger over her tablet. “Now, as for your role at the ball. You should be sure to spend time with each contestant and meet their families. This is one of the highlights of the Contention. You have an appointment with the tailor this afternoon to make sure your tux fits perfectly, then—” Willow paused, glancing up from her tablet.

“What is it?”

“Your mother has arranged a private date for you tonight—with Kayden.” Curiosity was written all over her face.

My pulse kicked into high gear, excitement warring with fear that I wouldn’t be able to do the right thing if I was alone with her. That I couldn’t think past the longing to be clearheaded. “Is that allowed?”

Willow shrugged. “I don’t see why not. You’re searching for your future mate, after all. Spending extra time with some of the women to get to know them better can only be a good thing, right?”

“Perhaps,” I said simply, not ready to give anything away. Kaydenwasmy mate, but why was my mother getting involved? Did she suspect something? Still, the idea of having more time with Kayden was too appealing. She’d avoided me yesterday, running off the one time I’d caught a glance of her. We definitely needed to talk. “Did Mother make arrangements for the date as well?”

“No, I can set up whatever you want,” Willow replied. “Just let me know, and I’ll take care of it.”

“Great. I’ll let you know what I need later today. Let’s schedule it for after classes. Dinner, actually,” I said, an idea forming in my mind.

While I knew I was playing with fire, part of me craved the opportunity to be alone with Kayden to discuss what was happening between us. And to figure out how to handle it.

“Is there more information on what caused the explosion in Kayden’s room?” I asked. Willow’s lips twitched, but it was the only tell that she already knew who I wanted a private date with.

“Nothing substantial.” She sighed. “Though your father had a team investigating. There’s no evidence of anything being tampered with, though.”

I didn’t buy it. Someone had put a forged dismissal letter in Kayden’s room. These women could be vicious, and I didn’t put it past many of them to want to eliminate threats, which Kayden was to many of them. I needed to make sure Father wasn’t giving up on the investigation.

“Okay, thanks, Willow. Is there anything else?” I drained the last of my coffee and stood.

“I think that’s it. Make sure you’re at the appointment with the tailor at four o’clock.”