I simply couldn’t let feelings get involved, especially complex, confusing ones like I had for Kayden.

“Don’t forget the council positions,” Garrett said, not commenting on my choices. “If there are some women you know you don’t want to take to the end, but who you think would make good council members, you need to consider that ahead of time. Keeping them on through the top ten is forward thinking.”

All things I knew, but it was a good reminder. I’d already determined to take the three I named that far but thinking who I might want on my council would help me narrow down the choices for elimination even further. I’d as good as promised Kayden a top ten position that day I brought her here. And now, I simply wouldn’t send her back to an unhinged alpha.

“Aubrey seems intelligent, and I know she loves children. The education position is coming up,” I mused.

“You’ll need an event coordinator,” Garrett added. “Quite a few positions, actually.”

It wasn’t required that I fill positions with Contention competitors. Still they often fit the bill, many having been groomed to work within the upper ranks of our society since birth—particularly the daughters of other alphas.

“You ready to head to the competition?” I asked as I finished up breakfast. “This one should be interesting.”

“Yeah.” Garrett wiggled his brows and grinned. “Fourteen armed women pitted against each other. What’s not to like?”

We walked down to the south clearing together. It had been completely transformed. In the center of the flat grassy field, a giant maze had been erected with opaque tarp walls between steel frames that stood twice the height of any of the women.

We could see down into the maze from where Garrett and I stood on a rise overlooking the clearing. Dozens of pathways twisted and intersected throughout the maze, creating a complex pattern. It would be easy to get disoriented in there, especially since the competition was taking place at high noon, so there would be no help from shadows.

“I see your parents.” Garrett pointed to the large temporary platform erected at the exit of the maze, standing high enough so they’d have a bird’s eye view of the maze as the women worked their way through it. At the base of the stairs, my parents stood speaking with some of their council members.

On the opposite side of the maze, the contestants were gathered with Willow and a slew of assistants, getting fitted for vests and helmets.

“Looks like we haven’t missed anything yet,” I said, descending the rise to join my parents. As I did, Sydnee caught sight of me and began waving her paintball gun. I lifted my hand to wave in return, scanning the group, hoping to catch Kayden’s eye. But she was busy examining her paintball gun and adjusting her gear.

At least this competition wouldn’t inflict much harm. Some women had been pretty scraped up after the last one in the woods.

“Good day, son,” Father said, smiling broadly as we joined him. “You looking forward to the competition?”

“I’m looking forward to watching in person this time.”

“Let’s find a good seat,” Mother said, linking arms with me. “How about up top? There’s some shade.”

Bleachers had been set up on the platform, and a temporary awning over the uppermost seats, which also happened to give the best view. “Perfect.”

As we were seated, many of the assistants came to join us as well. Willow spoke into a microphone across the way, her voice booming through the entire clearing.

“Hello, everyone, and welcome to the second competition.” She turned to the women. “Congratulations, ladies, for making it this far. Now that everyone is fitted with gear, I will explain the rules for today’s event.”

I watched the girls as they interacted, some only halfway paying attention to Willow, some focused as if their life depended on it. Kayden stood with Jessica and Brooklyn, quietly listening. Sydnee was off to the side, almost like a lone wolf, and I wondered why she wasn’t with her regular group of girls.

“You will each be paired up, two partners to a team. The greatest reward will be given to those who show they can work together,” Willow continued. “If you and your partner make it through the maze without receiving hits, you will each earn an hour-long solo date with Holden.”

A murmur went through the group, but Willow held her hand up.

“If you come out alone, you’ll only earn a half-hour. If you receive hits while in the maze, you’re disqualified.”

How anyone was supposed to make it through a maze of fourteen armed women without sustaining a hit was beyond me, but the women looked up to the challenge as Willow instructed them to pair off.

Kayden and Jessica chose to be a team. Sydnee and Elana paired up, strangely. I’d have expected her to choose Madison since they seemed to spend all their time together. And so on until each pair was selected and guided to their team starting points along the back side of the maze.

My mother squeezed my hand. “This is so exciting. I’m so glad you get to be here for this one.”

“So am I.” There was something about watching in person. The energy was different. I could practically feel the women’s anticipation and anxiety in the air.

My gaze slid to Kayden as she checked her gear one more time, then checked Jessica’s for her as well. Her face was intense, her brows drawn as she spoke quickly to Jessica, gesturing and drawing lines in the air. Strategizing. Jessica nodded along, taking Kayden very seriously. Interesting.

Sydnee and Elana stood at their start gate, though they didn’t speak, Elana eyed Sydnee carefully as she lowered the mirrored visor of her helmet. When I found Rosely, who’d paired with Riley, she shifted her weight, looking around nervously and nodding to whatever Riley told her.