My stomach somersaulted. “You can sit with whomever you like.”

I didn’t mean to sound so snippy, but both Holden and Jessica gave me funny looks. I cleared my throat and tried a softer tone. “I mean, that’s the purpose of these group meals, right?”

“Right.” Holden sat down with his gaze still fixed on me. When I glanced across the table, Jessica and Brooklyn were watching us. I honestly didn’t know how to act around Holden now. Maybe I could use them as a buffer.

“Brooklyn was just telling us about…”Shit. I hadn’t been listening.

“…her sister,” Jessica interjected. I shot her a grateful look, then got back to my breakfast. The bacon was on point this morning.

As hard as I tried to mind my own business, though, Holden kept dragging me into the conversation. “What about your sister, Kayden? You haven’t spoken much about her.”

I pursed my lips, irritated that he was bringing this up now. But when I met his eyes, I couldn’t seem to find any words. Instead, all I could think about was what those lips had felt like against mine.

I cleared my throat. “Actually, I think I’ve mentioned her a few times now,” I said, my tone clipped. I arched an eyebrow, then shoved another piece of bacon in my mouth, hoping to avoid further conversation. But Holden wasn’t giving up, asking me more questions about my life before coming here.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to talk to him, far from it. But with my newfound discovery that I might be attracted to Holden and considering him in a new light, I wasn’t sure I could have a normal conversation with him.

Thankfully, Brooklyn kept the conversation rolling enough for all of us, going into great detail about her life back home, and soon enough, it was time for us to get to class. Holden reached under the table and squeezed my hand.

The jolt of electricity that raced up my arm left me feeling breathless, and I could only stare at him as he stood and excused himself. “I’ll be seeing you all again at lunch.”

Then he winked at me as he turned. My face flushed, my heart sped up, and when I turned back to Brooklyn and Jessica, they watched me with open curiosity.

“Well,” I said brusquely, “time for training.”

Those three hours flew by as we continued more combat training in preparation for the second competition scheduled for tomorrow. I hoped we wouldn’t be having competitions every three days. Then again, that would make the Contention go by faster. I ground my teeth at the thought, not wanting my time with Holden to go too quickly.

I found myself truly enjoying the afternoon classes as well. We’d moved on from pack war history and political structure to discuss the intricacies of the shifter council, particularly the various divisions and positions within it. As the instructor spoke about the education division that ensured pack children received adequate schooling and college preparation opportunities, my ears perked up.

I’d never considered teaching in my old pack but working within the administration might be interesting.

Usually, when class ended, I went back to my room for some alone time before dinner. I didn’t have much time to myself, something I was really missing. Plus, I didn’t like putting myself at risk of a surprise challenge by one of the bitch squad. Sydnee had them all firmly under her thumb by now. I was honestly surprised no one had been challenged over the last few days, but I was wise enough always to be prepared.

As I walked along the carefully groomed trails, my mind wandered to Jenna, as it often had since I’d spoken to her on the phone. She hadn’t been aware of Branson’s maneuverings then, and I hoped that was still the case.

But with the news that Branson was likely building an army to raise a rebellion, I couldn’t help but worry. Would Holden bring her here if I asked him? It seemed like a huge favor. Then again, he knew how dangerous Branson could be. What if he chose to punish Jenna for some perceived shortcoming of Nico’s or my own?

I rounded the corner, the fountain I’d sat at with Holden coming into view, and I was surprised to see a lone figure perched on its edge.


I’d know those broad shoulders anywhere. My heart picked up the pace as I continued toward him, and I found myself smiling. It took me a second to realize this was happiness. It had been so long since anything made me feel truly happy and truly alive.

While I wasn’t sure how I felt about it being Holden that inspired this feeling, I wasn’t going to run away from it.

“Hey,” I said softly.

He turned, his eyes sucking me in. For a moment, he simply stared at me. Then, “Would you like to join me?”

I nodded and walked toward him, trying to read the look on his face. It was one I didn’t recognize.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, concerned as I sat next to him. His body heat radiated, distracting me, but I tried to refocus on the pinched lines around his eyes—the uncertain set of his mouth.

Holden sighed. “I’m struggling with how to handle your pack,” he admitted, eyes searching mine as if I held the answers.

“What in particular? Has something happened?” My mind went to Jenna once more.

“No, not really. At least, nothing new.” He gritted his teeth. “He’s continuing to find support, though. In addition to adding to his ranks, he’s managed to sway a few alphas.”