A moment later, female voices filled the air, and the gym was soon full of other contestants. I slipped in among the crowd, and no one was the wiser that I hadn’t come in with the rest.

“Good morning, ladies,” Kyle began when everyone arrived. “Today, Dalton and I will be working with you on basic weapons maneuvers.”

A murmur ran through the room. They were trying to predict tomorrow’s competition as well. My stomach twisted as I glanced at the shut and locked cabinets.

Better pay attention.

We spent the first hour learning the weapons, getting comfortable holding them and learning basic body positions for armed combat, even though I was slightly nauseous every time I thought of the sharp blades hidden within this very room. I managed to get a good handle on things, feeling more comfortable by the time we moved on to actual training, working the same maneuvers over and over until my muscles ached.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sydnee moving her body with skill and grace, spinning and arcing her wooden spear through the air. She clearly had much more experience than anyone else in the room. Most of the women were on par with my skills. A few were better, a few truly struggling.

But Sydnee… I narrowed my eyes at her. As the daughter of an alpha, she’d been trained since birth for this very occasion. She was ambitious, strong, skilled, and ruthless. Out of everyone here, she’d be the one I had to watch out for tomorrow, especially since she seemed to have it out for me.

Thankfully, training and the afternoon classes were uneventful. The tone was subdued, everyone seemingly focusing on themselves. However, Sydnee didn’t miss a chance to insult me on my lack of knowledge about the history of pack wars throughout the class.

When there were less than thirty minutes of classes left, a knock at the door drew everyone’s attention.

David, Bridger’s beta, stepped inside. “Sorry to interrupt, but I need to speak with Miss Johnson.”

“Yes, of course.” The instructor didn’t bat an eye, though the rest of the class turned to stare at me.

I nervously stood from my seat, feeling every eye follow my path to the door, their irritation and curiosity nearly palpable. What did the beta want with me? Had I done something to break the rules?

Panic set in when I stepped into the hallway and saw Holden, Garrett, and Bridger waiting. It reminded me of when they’d all crowded into my little cell. My first thought was of Jenna. Had something happened to her? Had Branson pulled another crazy stunt?

“Hey, Kayden,” Holden spoke first, his eyes soft and his smile reassuring. “Everything is okay, we just wanted to get your opinion on a few things. Is that all right?”

I nodded. It wasn’t like I could say no.

“Good. Let’s go somewhere a little more private.” Holden gestured to a room across the hall.

I didn’t like the idea of being all alone with these four men. Not that I thought they’d hurt me—at least, I hoped they wouldn’t—but I still didn’t completely trust them. Yes, Holden appeared to be more reasonable than I’d first given him credit. But these were the four most powerful men in the entire North American pack. I might need to get my head checked if I wasn’t nervous around them.

“What is it you’d like to ask me?” I began when we were all seated around a circular table in what appeared to be a conference room. Holden sat to my left, Bridger directly across from me.

Bridger folded his hands on the table. “We plan to revisit your pack soon. The last time my son entered your pack lands, he was ambushed.” He grimaced.

“Not that they were a match for us, even outnumbered two to one,” Garrett said with a smug grin. “Isn’t that right, Holden?”

I whipped my head toward Holden. He’d been attacked that day? He’d looked perfectly fine as he stood next to the dead beta. Like he’d barely broken a sweat. And that hadn’t even been his first fight of the day. I hated that I found that sexy. But it was. Holden wasn’t some pampered prince. He’d worked hard to earn his position and was in the trenches with his men.

“The point is,” Holden said, evading the question, “we want to get some insight into what tactics he’d be most likely to use. As well as what you think his goal is here. Would he lead a rebellion? Would he attempt to take the alpha spot himself?”

Hisspot in a challenge. I laughed out loud, my gaze raking over Holden’s wide shoulders and broad chest. The man was huge. Anyone who took him on in a challenge had to know what they were up against. There was a reason Holden hadn’t lost a single one.

His eyebrows furrowed, and I shook my head, still grinning. “Sorry. No. He would absolutely never challenge you himself for the role. There’s a reason why he…” My grin dropped, and I swallowed, forcing myself to continue. “Why he has other wolves challenge you. He knows he could never beat you.”

The look in Holden’s eyes softened as if he knew where my mind had gone. But it was Garrett who spoke up next.

“Then what’s his plan?” he asked, leaning forward.

I cleared my throat. “I really don’t know. He’s unpredictable. What I know of him is based on what my brother told me and the actions I’ve seen him take. But you mentioned a rebellion?”

The men all exchanged glances but didn’t say anything. Is that what they thought he was up to?

“Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past him to pull something like that. He has a history of using his soldiers to do his bidding. They’re almost disposable to him. That’s much more likely than him planning to challenge Holden directly.”

Garrett clapped his hands together and sat back. “I say we just kill him and install someone from our inner circle in his position. Strike fast and make an example of him—this is what happens when you mess with the alpha.”