Garrett’s eyebrows flew up, and he sat up straight. “And?”

I knew he wanted juicy details, but I didn’t have them. I walked around the sectional and then sat opposite him. “We talked about Branson and her pack. She seems to be on the same page as we are—he’s gearing up to start something, and it needs to be nipped in the bud.”

“Hmm.” He took a sip of whiskey. “Good that she agrees. Anything else? Did she give you any insight?”

Garrett often came off as not taking his role seriously enough; he just had an easygoing, laid-back air about him. But I’d chosen my beta wisely. Underneath the smiles, charm, and jokes, he was one of the most intelligent people I knew. He was already thinking about how we could use Kayden to get the inside scoop.

“Not yet. Just confirming what we already assumed about his cruelty and ruthlessness.”

He narrowed his eyes. “You think she’s playing you?”

I shook my head. “I considered that, but I truly believe she means what she says about Branson. She’s worried about her sister remaining in his territory.”

Garrett sat back. “We need to feel her out, be certain we can trust her. Maybe she can help us figure out the best way to handle him. We should meet with Bridger and David about it first, though.”

“I agree. Kayden could be the key to helping us neutralize this threat. I’d like to get a few other alphas together as well and invite Branson to a meeting. Perhaps it will be less threatening if other alphas are present who he doesn’t consider a threat. Then we can get a better handle on what we’re dealing with and figure out how to move forward.”

“We’ll have to call another council meeting if we decide to overthrow him. Just so we have a plan going in.” Garrett rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “We should also already have someone in mind for a replacement.”

“See?” I said, pouring myself a finger of whiskey. “That’s why you’re my beta. Always two steps ahead.”

“Gotta keep you on your toes, especially when you’re distracted by pretty girls.”

“I’m not distracted,” I told him. He just smiled, knowing me well enough to be aware there were things about Kayden I hadn’t told him yet.

But I wasn’t ready to talk about it. Hell, I didn’t even understand it myself. All I knew was that I wasn’t ready to send Kayden home. And that I wanted to spend more time with her.



Ipulled my hair into two sections, braiding each one quickly and efficiently before pulling on some athletic shorts and a sports bra. This was the last day of training before our first competition. I was determined to do my best and stay focused on what the instructors might say.

The only problem was that I couldn’t seem to keep my head in the game. I grabbed a light sweatshirt, pulled it on, then headed outside for a quick jog before PT started. I needed to clear my head.

Without thinking about it, I found myself along the same trail I’d run last night. The fountain where I’d sat with Holden wasn’t far. What surprised me the most was how easy it had been to talk with him. I hadn’t meant to tell him all about Branson, but I’d found myself giving him insight into his enemy.

The irony of it wasn’t lost on me. Yet I couldn’t bring myself to say I hated Holden. Not when he was proving himself to be so different than I’d expected.

Was that a betrayal to my brother, my flesh and blood?

I shook the thought away, focusing on my breathing and the pace of my feet as they hit the dirt. It was too much, and I had a competition to prepare for.

I arrived at the gym before everyone. When I stepped inside, the lights were still dim. Neither Dalton nor Kyle were anywhere to be seen. I flipped the light switch, then gasped.

Racks upon racks of gleaming metal weapons lined the walls in previously locked cabinets. I crept closer, both intrigued and terrified about what was on today’s training agenda. These were no ordinary weapons.

Nico had trained me with small knives and hand-to-hand combat, but I’d never seen, much less wielded, any of the deadly weapons decorating the shelves. I slid my finger along the polished wooden handle of a thin dagger, barely breathing. Would I have to defend myself against armed contestants in this first challenge?

Voices in the hall had me ducking behind a stack of mats in the corner. I didn’t want to be caught alone in a room full of sharp steel.

“Here we are….” A pause. “Hey, Kyle?” That was Dalton’s voice.

“Yeah?” I could barely see Kyle as he stepped into the room. “What are these weapon cases doing open?”

“That’s just what I was going to say.” Footsteps moved further into the room. “Let’s get them shut before the women arrive.”

I held my breath as the trainers closed the cabinets, then returned to wheeling in two carts of wooden practice weapons. I felt a little relief that we wouldn’t be working with actual blades, but my anxiety had me wondering how soon we’d move up to the real deal. I swallowed hard, then reminded myself I wasn’t the only one who’d never trained with these kinds of weapons. Surely, the game makers took that into consideration.