I’d assumed as much. He’d done the same with his ambush yesterday morning. He’d even sacrificed his beta, standing aside while someone else fought his battles. There seemed to be a pattern with him.

“Kayden, if I’m being honest, I’m concerned about your pack. Branson is unpredictable. He has no regard for others’ lives, that much is clear.”

She turned and looked at me, her honey eyes studying mine. “What are you going to do?”

“I’m considering my options,” I said carefully. “But I’m concerned he might start a rebellion and put even more lives in danger.”

“You’re right to be concerned.”

“Do you know something?” My tone was sharp as I watched her reaction, but there was no deceit there as she considered my words.

“Nothing specific. But I might be able to give you some insight into how he thinks and runs the pack. Nico didn’t often talk about what he did for Branson, but I got a clear picture of how he works.”

That was more than I could have hoped for. The fact she wasn’t hurling hate and blame my way was already a surprise, but an offer to help? I didn’t fully trust her motivations, but it was a start.

“Why would you do that?” I asked carefully.

Kayden shrugged. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend?”

I huffed out a wry laugh. “I appreciate that, Kayden,” I said, my voice low. “More than you know.”

Kayden just looked at me, her eyes sucking me in. But as suddenly as she’d opened up to me, she shut down, pushing off the fountain and walking a few steps away. I stood as well, just as one of Willow’s many assistants came jogging up.

“There you are,” the woman said. “Willow sent me to find you. It’s time to gather at the fire pit.”

Without a word, Kayden hurried off toward the pit, which was now blazing brightly in the night.

“Thank you,” I told the assistant, who rushed quickly away to complete her next task, no doubt. Going back the way I’d come, the sound of female voices drifted on the air.

“She’s wearingjeans? Oh my god.”

“I know, right? Like, does she even care about how she looks?”

Laughter followed, and I grimaced. I wasn’t sure who had spoken, but it was clear who they were talking about when I arrived on the scene. Five of the women were gathered around the fire, sipping champagne. Kayden sat on a low stone wall behind the seats set up—the only one dressed casually except for me.

I’d chosen jeans, a Henley, and some boots. Most of these women were in short dresses and high-heeled sandals. I wondered how the walk along the cobbled path had been.

“Holden!” The first one to spot me was Madison, but right after, everyone echoed my name, turning with bright smiles on their faces.

“Good evening, ladies,” I said with a smile, looking at each in turn, including Kayden, even though she stayed seated. “Looks like you got started without me.”

Sydnee appeared by my side, her long black hair swept up into a bun, and extended an extra glass of champagne. “I waited. Cheers.” She clinked her glass to mine and smiled. “I’ve been waiting all day for this moment, actually.”

From the corner of my vision, I saw Kayden roll her eyes.

“So have I,” said Madison, coming up to my other side and linking her arm in mine. “Come look at the amazing food they’ve prepared for us.”

I let her lead me to the table. “Why don’t we all grab something to eat?” I said to everyone. “Then we can get to know each other better.”

Oakley smiled shyly at me, but unlike Sydnee, Madison, Vivianna, and Grey, she wasn’t hanging on my every word. Perhaps I’d spend some time with her first and see if she would come out of her shell.

I tried not to watch Kayden when she walked to grab a plate, but it was hard. Aside from Oakley, I didn’t miss the other girls sneering at her. Yeah, she seemed nice. I approached her a few minutes later.

“Would you like to make some s’mores?” I asked.

Oakley’s eyes lit up, and she played nervously with the tips of her light brown hair. “I’d love to.” She was soft-spoken, and I had a hard time engaging her in conversation as we toasted our marshmallows. Perhaps she was too reserved?

After multiple attempts to get her to talk about herself, I decided it was time to talk to some other girls. Sydnee was watching me closely with a small smile, so I approached her next.