“Why is she late?” I hissed to Garrett, who shrugged, too busy checking out the women to pay me any attention. I turned to my mother, wondering if she knew anything, but she gave me a sharp look that saidpay attentionand tilted her head toward Willow. Apparently, being thirty didn’t mean I was too old to be reprimanded.

As Willow continued talking about expectations for the Contention, the staff began serving dinner, slipping around the room silently and unobtrusively just as they’d been trained. I had to hand it to Willow and my mother. They kept this place running like a well-oiled machine.

I stabbed my salad with my fork, my gaze darting back to Kayden, seated a couple of tables to my left. Why did she smell like blood?

Eventually, Willow finished her speech and joined our table. As the dinner wore on, my curiosity got the best of me. Kayden had been nothing but trouble this morning, and I wanted to know what happened.

“Garrett, find out what happened to Kayden.” I tilted my head in her direction.

Garrett looked over, then back at me, frowning. “What do you mean?”

“She smelled like blood as she passed by. I want to know what went down. Go ask her assistant—I think it’s Faye.”

“Sure thing, boss.” He gave me a mock-salute and stood from the table, sauntering over to where the assistants were dining at a cluster of tables toward the rear of the room.

Noticing my mother watching me carefully, I cleared my throat and tried to better participate in the conversation. “Does this bring back memories?”

Father chuckled. “Honestly, I don’t remember much of my interactions with the other girls in our Contention.” He gave my mother a private smile. “I fell in love with your mother at first sight. I knew she was the one almost immediately. I tried to send all the other girls home at the beginning.”

My mother’s tinkling laugh rang bright. “Oh, Bridger, you did not.”

“Sure did.” He lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles. “My father wouldn’t let me.”

Mother’s smile was wide as she lowered her voice conspiratorially. “He did favor me from the beginning, though.”

“I did. But I wasn’t allowed to change the entire competition just because I’d already found the woman I wanted to make mine.” He gave me a knowing look. “You’ll see.”

I wasn’t sure what he meant by that, but Garrett arrived at the table and slid into his seat, earning my full attention. “Well?”

Garrett lowered his voice and leaned in. “Apparently, another contestant attacked her before she even made it to the reception.”

An unfamiliar feeling settled in my stomach. “What happened?”

Garrett shrugged. “Faye didn’t give me any details. Just that the other girl is already packing to go home.”

So, Kayden had won a challenge. She’d fought to stay.

“Did you get a chance to meet everyone, Holden?” Willow asked from across the table, her eyebrows arched.

“I believe so.” Almost of their own accord, my eyes darted to Kayden. “Other than the woman who came in late—Kayden. But I met her earlier.”

If you could call cuffing someone and dragging them away from their homemeeting.

“Good. Then after we finish eating, I’d like to reconvene in Bridger’s office to give you a private rundown of the next few days, so you know what to expect.”

The rest of the dinner passed in a blur; then it was time for me to address the contestants as a group. I stood, tapping my knife on my water glass, drawing everyone’s attention.

“Thank you so much for joining me tonight.” I smiled as I cast my gaze around the room. “It was wonderful to meet each of you, and I’m looking forward to getting to know you better in the coming days and weeks. I have work to do this evening, but please, feel free to explore the grounds and get familiar with your home away from home for the duration of the Contention.”

The women were practically hanging on my every word—all but Kayden. She remained aloof, her eyes narrowing as she watched me.

“Enjoy the rest of your dinner—our pastry chef is exquisite.” With that, I strode from the room, my inner circle following me to my father’s fourth-floor office that provided a stunning eastern view of the beach.

I’d just poured a finger of whiskey when Mother, Father, and Willow came into the office. Mother’s face was alight with excitement. “Well, what did you think of all the lovely ladies?”

“They seem… eager.”

Garrett laughed. “That’s an understatement. One looked like a rabid dog ready to latch onto your leg and not let go.”