We walked togethertoward carved double doors at the end of a first-floor hallway. Faye called it the formal grand dining room. As if there were an informal grand dining room. With the number of rooms in this place and all the various entertaining, politicking, and networking that had to go on here, it might have been possible.

A line of women formed outside the doors, contestants in formalwear, being fussed over by their assistants. A ball of nerves knotted in my stomach as I couldn’t believe I was about to do this. Faye stopped me a few yards away from the line, fluffing my hair and adjusting my dress.

“Spin for me.” She whirled her finger in the air. Rolling my eyes, I did as she asked but only because I knew it would make things easier. Turning slowly, I used the opportunity to assess my competition. Of the five that were lined up, not one of them was similar in looks. Not that I thought Holden would make his choice based on looks—at least, I hoped not. Surely the future alpha had more sense than that.

“Okay, here we go.” Faye gave me a wide smile and strode ahead. I started to follow when a strange tingle formed between my shoulder blades. Someone was watching me.

I turned slightly, only to glimpse a sudden movement to my right—a wolf, charging out of the shadows and straight towards me.

On instinct, I shifted, my wolf ripping free. Defending. Protecting.

I reared up on my hind legs, swiping at the gaping maw of the wolf that sprang at me. The clash of claws and teeth drew the attention of everyone in the hallway, gasps filling the air, but I ignored them all. I was being attacked and wouldn’t go down without a fight.

Despite Holden’s throwaway comment about me having a death wish, I very much wanted to stay alive. I knew enough of the Contention rules to understand what was happening here. This was a female wolf, likely one of the competitors trying to prove herself right out of the gate.

Already, I was being challenged. I had three options: win, submit, or die. So really, there was no option at all.

It had been a long time since I’d been in a wolf fight, but Nico had always made us train, even when Jenna and I protested that we didn’t need to.

You’re a shifter. Fighting isn’t optional, he’d said.

I’d never been more thankful for those early morning drills than I was now. Crouching low, I snarled at my attacker, a brownish-gray wolf with bright blue eyes. Then I pounced, unfurling my muscles, springing forward and knocking the wolf back. We tumbled together, the wolf snapping at my neck, clawing at my body, doing anything to gain the upper hand. But she’d underestimated my strength. I gained the upper hand quickly, pinning her to the floor and snarling.

Submit. The order was clear in the pressure of my paws, the threat of my fangs as I bared them.

The wolf growled, pulling her back legs up and scraping her claws along my side.

I roared in pain as she ripped through my fur and skin. Blood leaked onto the plush carpet, but all I could think was,she wasn’t going to submit.

Panic crept in at the edges of my consciousness. I’d never killed another wolf before. I didn’t want to. The thought made my stomach twist. Once again, I was left with no options. If she didn’t submit, I’d have to kill her. There was no draw when it came to challenges. You submitted, or you died.

Holden had no problem taking lives. That thought brought fresh rage to the surface. I used it in my favor, pushing the wolf harder into the floor, then bending to sink my teeth into the wolf’s throat. I paused, keeping myself in check before I made contact.

I nearly buckled in relief when the wolf whined and exposed its belly. Thank the fates.

I backed off, only shifting back to human form once my attacker had done so. A crowd had gathered, and I panted for breath, my heart racing as a team of men and women collected the girl and whisked her away. I frowned. Who were these people? What was going to happen now?

“Are you okay?” Faye’s sky-blue eyes were full of worry as she draped a blanket around my naked body. “Let’s get you to the infirmary.”

“Do you need assistance?” a man dressed in the same uniform as those who’d taken my attacker away asked us. His eyes darted to my side. “Can you walk?”

It was only then that I realized blood was running down my hip and leg, leaking from my side where the wolf had sliced me with her claws. I glanced down. It wasn’t terrible, and shifting was already speeding up the healing process.

“I think I’ll be okay, but I might need stitches.”

“The infirmary isn’t far,” Faye said, already escorting me away from the stares and whispers of the women who’d gathered in the hallway. “I’ll get your hair and makeup team back up to the room, and we can get you ready in no time. No need to miss dinner over a few stitches.”

Somehow, she still projected that cheery attitude. “No, I won’t be missing dinner.” And give the impression that the attack had me down for the count? No thanks. “And don’t worry with hair and makeup. I’ll take a quick shower and dress in something simple. No need to waste time.”

I gave Faye a pointed look, and she seemed to get the message—I needed to get my ass back to the dining room as quickly as possible—but her smile still dropped in disappointment. It was back soon enough as she said, “Well, at least we know you’re still in the game. I’ll have plenty more opportunities to get you dressed up.”

“I’m counting on it,” I said.

I glanced out a floor-to-ceiling window on the way to the infirmary, noting the sun setting beyond the trees. Had it only been this morning when I was dragged from my home by Branson’s thug? My life had taken such a drastic turn. I could never have imagined this was where I’d end up.

I blew out a heavy sigh. This was only the beginning.