“Did you receive your packet with the rules and requirements for the Contention?” Faye asked, turning left at the top of the stairs and leading me down a vast hall lined with paintings that looked like they belonged in a museum. The wood-paneled walls were painted a warm white, the interspersed floor-to-ceiling windows casting bright light around the space, making it feel even larger. This was more like a hotel than a home.

“I… No, I was just selected this morning.” And had been held prisoner ever since.

“That’s all right.” At the next junction, Faye turned into a hall lined with ten doors and walked to the end. “I’ll have one brought up.” She touched a hand to her ear and said, “Please have a welcome kit sent up to Ms. Johnson’s room right away. Thank you.”

I blinked, then realized she was speaking into that earpiece. I drew in a breath, the enormity of what I’d gotten myself into fully hitting me. This was some serious shit. I was part of a highly anticipated competition that only came around once every generation. How many hundreds of young shifter women would love to be in my shoes? I couldn’t bring myself to be excited, though. Not even when Faye turned to me with a conspiratorial smile and said, “You have clothes waiting to be delivered as well. All we need are your measurements.”

She turned the knob on the last door at the end of the hallway and pushed it open. I wasn’t prepared for what I saw. Luxurious was an understatement. While the decor was simple and tasteful, there was an elegance and style that screamed wealth. Pale grays and creams dominated the walls and surfaces, the heavy black wooden furniture a glamorous contrast. The king-sized bed was covered in plush white and pale pink blankets.

A large dressing table with gleaming mirrors was against the opposite wall from the bed where flowers and a tray of perfumes sat on its surface. A thick white robe was draped over the swiveling chair.

And then there was the carpet. So thick and soft, it felt like walking on a cloud. I’d never been in a room this beautiful before, and a part of me wanted to jump on the bed and sink in. I tempered that impulse quickly and strode through the room and into the en suite bath.

“This is all for me?” I turned to Faye with wide eyes. The white-and-black marble bathroom was nearly as large as the bedroom, with a giant clawfoot tub and separate steam shower. Golden and cream marbled clothing racks lined one wall, and I wondered what types of garments would fill them soon.

“All yours. Now, how about those measurements?”

I stood still as Faye quickly measured my body, calling out the numbers through her earpiece as she did. I wondered who was on the other end taking her directions. How many people were involved in running this thing?

“Here’s what’s going to happen,” Faye chattered on as she measured, for which I was grateful. I didn’t know if I could make conversation right now—my brain was still trying to process just what I’d gotten myself into.

“Contestants will arrive throughout the day. While the first real event is still days away, everyone knows the politics begin immediately. You’d be wise to remember that the game is always afoot. You never know when someone may be watching, evaluating your suitability as the alpha’s wife. File that away if you want to stick around.” She wrapped the tape around my hips, giving me a knowing look.

“Okay. Good to know.”

“So,” she continued, “once everyone has arrived, there will be a short reception, followed by an early dinner. It’s more of an introduction where you ladies will get to know your competition and meet Holden for the first time.”

I wasn’t sure I should tell her we’d already met, so I held my tongue and let her keep up her constant stream of chatter, trying to keep up with all the information she was throwing at me.

“Hair and makeup will be here soon. I’d like you to pick your outfit before they do, if possible, to coordinate. I’ll have you looking your very best; just wait.” Faye called out my final measurements through her earpiece, then turned to me with a smile. “You have the final say in your appearance, of course. But I’m here if you need me.”

It was a lot to take in. Faye’s energy made me wonder how many espresso shots she’d started her day with. “How long have you been an assistant? You seem very efficient.”

Faye laughed. “Actually, I’m one of the council members’ assistants. Many of the assistants helping with the Contention are as well. I’ve been working with the council for almost seven years.” She shook her head. “The council will have a rough couple of months without us.”

“Months?” Pressure formed behind my eyes. “What do you mean by months?” Surely the Contention wouldn’t takethatlong.

“The entire process will probably take one or two months. Holden is a man of action. However, by law, he has up to six months to decide, if he chooses to take that long.”

Six months?I tried not to panic, but the idea of being here that long, competing against other women who might be vicious and cutthroat… Then again, if I could stick it out and secure that council position, my life might turn out very differently than I’d ever dared to dream. I could make a difference in the world. Maybe even change the laws to prevent the violence that had cost my brother his life.

She must have seen the shock on my face because Faye reached out and rubbed my arm. “I know that sounds like forever, but with everything the game makers have planned for the Contention, it will fly by. You’ll be competing in events or spending time with Holden when you aren’t training or taking classes. Believe me… you won’t just be sitting around bored.”

Spending time with Holden. I closed my eyes, knowing I had to come to terms with this. I’d chosen the Contention over exile or going home and facing Branson’s punishment. With the opportunity of being on the council now dangling in front of me, it was time to commit. It was hard to reconcile the idea of winning the affection of a man who should be my enemy. But I had to do this if I wanted a future for myself, and hopefully for Jenna.

A knock on the door had Faye singsonging, “Oh, yay, our first delivery!” She flitted to the door and flung it open, barely stepping out of the way as two clothing racks careened through the doorway. Faye squealed and clapped her hands.

I stood rooted to the spot as a girl with blue hair and a gorgeous wolf tattoo on her arm walked straight towards me, circling me and fingering my long hair. “I’m Karena.” She smiled. “This is going to be fun.”

The next couple of hours were surreal, as if I’d stepped into some beauty pageant reality show where attendants fawned all over me, bringing me drinks as they curled and manipulated my hair into long flowing waves with tiny braids woven throughout. And the makeup. For a moment, I nearly forgot why I was here and tried to enjoy the pampering. This makeup artist was a genius, making my eyes more smoky and exotic than usual. If I wasn’t careful, I might fall for this game. But I was smarter than that. I couldn’t forget that this entire competition was carefully arranged.

All the while, Faye paraded dress after dress in front of me. “You must select a dress that will make a great impression. You know, really wow the crowd. Kessa is a bit of a fashionista herself. And then, of course, there’s Holden. You only have one chance to make a good first impression.”

I grimaced. Holden’s first impression of me wasn’t one he’d hold dear to his heart, of that I was certain. Still, he’d spared my life, then dangled the possibility of a council position if I could hold my own in the competitions and convince him to keep me around long enough.

Finally, Faye and the stylist seemed to be satisfied with my appearance. I’d chosen a simple but elegant black silk gown. The low neckline accentuated my curves, the straps rising in a halter around my neck, and the backless dress dipped low on my hips. My look wasn’t frilly or girly, but I still felt powerful. Glamorous. Ready to take on whatever was about to be thrown my way.

* * *