My mouth dropped open in shock. A death wish? Is that what he thought? I supposed it made sense given the scene I’d caused when he showed up at Branson’s doorstep, but still...

My mind raced. I couldn’t go home—Branson was willing to kill me over the disobedience. I’d known he had it out for me, especially after I attempted to turn my pack against him following Nico’s death, but I hadn’t realized my life was so disposable to my alpha.

Exile sounded even worse. I’d heard the stories. A lone wolf was usually a dead wolf. There was no choice to make.

“Fine,” I said, all the fight going out of me. “I’ll join your dumb mating pageant.”

Then another thought struck me.

“What happens when I’m eliminated?”

Holden searched my face, and I wondered what he saw there because his hard expression softened, so slightly that I thought I might be imagining it. “It’s not uncommon for contestants who make it to the top ten to be offered positions on the alpha’s council. Because of your…unique circumstances, I can assure you this will be the case if you make it that far.”

My mouth fell open. The message was clear—make it to the top ten if I wanted a chance at a life away from Branson. He didn’t have to offer me that assurance, and I wasn’t sure why he did, but I wasn’t in the position to question him. Not when it meant I might still have a shot at a decent future.

I blew out a breath, my mind racing. There were worse things than working on the alpha’s council. Every alpha had a small council that helped govern each pack, but the North American alpha’s council was huge, working to shape the future of all the packs. They made decisions on education and laws, settled disputes, and oversaw human-shifter relations. While I still wasn’t entirely on board with the Contention, or with working for Holden for that matter, I was out of options.

“Okay. I’ll do it.”

Holden regarded me for a moment, then nodded. “I’ll send someone to show you to your room then and get you settled.”

Then he was gone, slipping through the door and out of my cell, leaving me confused and breathless. It had all happened so fast.

I was competing in the Contention, of all things. This morning, I’d woken up lamenting the dreams and memories that plagued me in the wake of Nico’s death. Now I knew there were worse things.

Competing to win the heart of his murderer topped the list. But there was no way around it. I had to make it to the top ten if I wanted a shot at a new life. I simply couldn’t go back to my pack.

If that meant I had to dig deep to charm and fight my way past ten other women, then so be it.



Less than an hour later, I shot to my feet at the light rap on the unlocked door, I was wondering if I should have taken the opportunity to escape when I had it. I wasn’t stupid, though. There had to be guards posted nearby, even if I hadn’t seen anyone when I poked my head out the door after Holden and his entourage disappeared.

The door slid open, and a very tall, elegant woman who looked to be about my age smiled down at me. She had to be six feet tall. I narrowed my eyes and put my hand on my hip at her suspicious perky smile.

“Hi! I’m Faye!” More perky than anyone should be in this place, with long blonde hair pulled into a high ponytail, she reminded me of a cheerleader.Or maybe a dancer, I thought as she glided gracefully into my cell. “You must be Kayden.”

“Um, yeah.”

I wrinkled my nose at Faye’s clipboard and the skin-toned earpiece with a mic attached to her head. Whoever she was, she looked super official.

“Aren’t you a beauty.” She beamed. “We’re going to have so much fun together!”

“I’m sorry, what?” Faye wasn’t the type I’d been friends with growing up. While she looked about my age, she was far more sophisticated and far too cheerful.

Faye cocked her head to the side, her perfectly shaped brows knitting in confusion. “During the Contention, of course. I’m your assistant.”

“Oh,” I said, “I didn’t realize I’d have an…assistant.”

Faye’s laugh sounded like tinkling bells, and I was grateful I wasn’t competing againsther. I was sure any man would fall for someone like that. Not that I wanted Holden to fall for me. But I at least had to make it to the top ten.

“Of course you do. There’s entirely too much for you to handle on your own.” Faye linked her arm through mine. “Now come on, let’s get you out of here and settled in.”

She led me down the hallway opposite where I’d come in, then up a staircase that opened into a wide hallway. The hallway turned left, then right, before opening into an expansive foyer that had to be twice as large as my house. I looked up, taking in the fine woodwork and molding, the crystal chandeliers and rich fabrics with my mouth agape. I’d never seen anything so luxurious in my entire life. This was an actual mansion, a regal estate.

“Your room is just this way, in the south wing.” Faye pointed toward the first landing of an opulent winding staircase that rose four stories high. As we climbed to the second floor, I glanced around, trying to get my bearings. There were multiple offshoots off the main hallways. I was certain I could get lost in here quite easily.