“Tomorrow, there will be a ceremony where I officially choose you.” He smiled, his eyes full of love, and I didn’t think I’d ever been happier than I was at that moment.

A minute later, he glanced at me. “So, I didn’t want to say anything in front of the new pack leaders, but it seems you held an election to make your choices?” He arched a brow. “You just had to go do it your way, didn’t you?”

But he didn’t look upset. If anything, he seemed amused.

“Would you have preferred I handled another way?” I challenged him. “Yourway, perhaps?”

He laughed, shaking his head. “Actually, I’m impressed. And I never want you to do things my way if you disagree. That’s one thing that stood out to me from the beginning—you’ve never been afraid to question me if you think I’m in the wrong.”

I smirked. “Are you sure you can handle such an unconventional mate?”

“Darling, I look forward to a lifetime of you bucking tradition and breaking the mold.” He lifted my hand to his mouth, and a thrill raced through me at his words. This was really happening. After everything, I’d somehow managed to not only make it to the end of the Contention but to find the love of my life.

“That’s one thing I can guarantee,” I said with a wink.

We pulled up to the estate, spotting a group of assistants waiting for us, Faye at the front of the crowd. She darted toward me as soon as I opened my door, taking my hand and dragging me away.

“Hey,” I protested. “I haven’t even said goodnight.”

“No time for that now,” she said, “we have a huge day tomorrow, and we have to start preparing now.”

“Now?” It was after dark. I glanced back at Holden, but he was being pulled away in the opposite direction by other assistants. Our eyes met over the distance, and he flashed me a big smile. “What’s so important that it has to be done now?”

“Choosing your dress, of course,” she said.

“For what?”

“For tomorrow’s proposal ceremony.”

I stopped in my tracks. “Proposalceremony?”

“What, you didn’t know?” Faye asked. She smiled. “Lucky for you, you’ve got me for an assistant, and I knowexactlywhat Holden likes.”

I turned again to find Holden watching me across the lawn, smiling broadly. He’d known and hadn’t told me. I smiled back, hardly able to believe a dream that had felt so out of reach was actually coming true.



“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Garrett held my grandmother’s ring up between his fingers. Afternoon sunlight filtered through the old window of the antechamber where we stood.

I’d never been more certain of anything. In just a few moments, the final ceremony of the Contention would begin.

Going into it, I’d dismissed the Contention as nothing more than the final step to take my place as alpha. Taking a mate was simply a requirement for the role. I’d never counted on meeting my one true mate.

Garrett adjusted the lapels of my tuxedo, then patted my cheek, grinning. “Don’t choose wrong.”

I snorted. As if there were even a choice to be made. Garrett poked his head out the door. “Looks like they’ve all cleared out. It’s time.”

I took a deep breath, feeling more relaxed than I had in a long time. Finally, Kayden would be mine, and the whole world would know it. I walked toward Garrett, holding my hand out. He dropped the ring in my palm, and I stepped into the hallway.

“See you when it’s done.” Garrett winked as he disappeared around a corner and up the stairs to a balcony where everyone else was gathered to watch. A white floor runner led from the hallway into the room beyond, one I’d chosen for its spectacular view.

The room was a domed conservatory on the top of the building that was rarely used and difficult to access, making it all the more special. The glass walls that encircled it gave a panoramic view of the ocean and the woods, making it feel as if I were floating on top of the world.

Glancing around, I took in the gauzy curtains, the vines climbing toward the ceiling, and the hundreds of flowers arranged artfully—and strategically—around the conservatory. I couldn’t see either of the girls thanks to a large potted plant, but I had a feeling Willow wanted it that way.

Stepping onto the runner, I walked forward, following its path as I held tightly to my grandmother’s ring. Above, I could see my family sitting on the front row of the balcony. Mother and Father smiled at me, and Grandmother winked and jerked her head toward Garrett next to her, wiggling her eyebrows.