“A lot of walks on the beach,” she laughed. “I wouldn’t mind a change of pace.”

“We can explore the estate,” I suggested. There were no other contestants here for the first time since I’d arrived. No one to jump out from behind a bookshelf and attack me. No one to watch my every move. It was freeing in a way I hadn’t experienced, and I wanted to check out the areas I hadn’t seen yet in this massive mansion.

“Sounds good to me.”

We spent the rest of the morning checking out the architecture and the art, even coming upon an art gallery I hadn’t known was here. We had lunch together in a small private dining room, then ended up walking on the beach anyway.

“I can’t believe it’s almost over,” I admitted to Jenna as we looked for seashells.

“How do you feel about that?” she asked.

Shrugging, I stared out at the open sea. “Happy, I guess. It all seems surreal. If I’m being honest, I never thought I’d make it to the end.”

Jenna smiled, coming to stand beside me and looping an arm around my waist. “I did.”

“Really?” I glanced at her in surprise.

She nodded. “I’ve never known anyone more hard-headed than my big sister,” she teased. “You aren’t the type to let others edge you out of the running.”

I laughed. “I guess.” My smile faltered in the next second. “But I don’t know what to think now. What if I’ve made it all this way just for him to choose Sydnee in the end?”

“I don’t truly know Holden or Sydnee, but do you think he would deceive you all this time? You guys are mates, after all.”

I blew out a deep breath. “I don’t know. I’m just so confused, and this mate bond doesn’t help. I want Holden more than I’ve ever wanted anyone in my life, and I think he feels the same. But I can’t help but wonder if he’s only kept me around because of the mate bond. What if he realizes what a bad idea it is? I mean, it’s not even allowed.”

I’d made Jenna swear never to breathe a word to anyone about Holden and me being mates. She was fully aware of the consequences.

I kicked at the sand in frustration. “I just don’t get it. Out of all the people he could have kept around, why her? She’s vile and manipulative. How Holden could think she’d be a good wife is beyond me.”

I sighed and sank to the sand, pulling my knees up to my chin. Jenna sat beside me. “Why can’t you just accept the reasons he gave you as the truth?”

I stared at the crashing waves, letting her question sink in. Holden told me from the beginning why Sydnee was a top contender. But he’d never shown any type of affection or interest in her. That had to count for something.

“Maybe I’m just afraid,” I admitted.

“Of what, exactly?” she pressed.

“I don’t know, everything? That Holden won’t choose me, that he’ll break my heart. Or if he does choose me, that I won’t be everything he needs me to be. Maybe I’m not cut out to be an alpha’s mate.” The thought had been nagging at my mind, though I was only giving voice to it now.

“Kayden,” Jenna said softly, “you don’t actually believe that, do you?”

I shrugged. “I’m not sure. Part of me thinks I’d be great at it. Holden carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, and I don’t think anyone else sees that.” I thought back to all the times he’d confided in me, as well as the times he’d sought me out for advice.

“I think I’m educated enough to provide a good counter to him, to help him work through the problems and struggles that come with his position.” I glanced at Jenna. “But maybe that’s just wishful thinking.”

Jenna shook her head. “Based on everything you’ve told me, I think you’re the perfect choice, and that doesn’t even have anything to do with you being mates. You challenge him when you think he’s making the wrong call and stand up for what you believe in. An alpha doesn’t need someone who’s going to go along with everything he says. What he needs is someone who can love and support him,andquestion him when it needs to be done.”

Her words reminded me of what Kessa had said at dinner the other night. “But what if I’m not the best person to do that?”

Jenna rolled her eyes. “Well, you’re certainly a better option than Sydnee. Look, Kayden. You’re overthinking all of this. I’ve seen the way Holden looks at you. Hell, everyone here has seen it. He adores you, and I don’t think that’s entirely due to the mate bond. You’re discounting his feelings for you without even giving him a chance to show you what you could be together.”

“I’m afraid of getting hurt,” I whispered. “I think I’m in love with him.”

I hadn’t even let myself think those words before this moment, but as I said them, I knew they were true. It was a feeling deep in my bones, something even stronger than the mate bond.

Jenna smiled. “Then it’s worth the risk. If you love him, fight for him. Fight for what you want. Tell him how you feel.”

The idea sent a shot of terror through me, but I also knew she was right. This was it. The end of the Contention. If I didn’t put everything on the line, then what had it been for?