“That sounds wonderful.” She smiled at me, and my heart swelled in response. It was amazing how much happiness a simple smile could bring, but when it came from my mate, it was everything.

I poured the wine, offering one to Helen as well.

“Oh, no, dear. Thank you, though.” She patted my cheek. “I’ll be heading out now. I think the two of you can handle it from here. Just pop that in the oven for an hour, and you’re all set. Oh, I’ve put some tiramisu in the refrigerator for later.”

After giving Kayden and me a big hug, she wheeled her cart out, leaving us alone. I lifted my glass, tilting it toward Kayden. “To many more meals with my mate,” I said softly.

Kayden clinked her glass to mine, her lips curving as she took a sip. As soon as she had, I took her glass and set it aside. I placed my hands on her hips and lifted her onto my counter, so we were at eye level.

Cupping her cheeks, I stared into her eyes. “You know how much I care about you, Kayden,” I began.

She didn’t say anything, didn’t even move, just watched me.

I wanted so badly to tell her exactly how I felt. To say those three words I’d never spoken to another woman. But I didn’t want to scare her with too much too soon. Even though we were mates, we were still in the early stages of our relationship. We had our whole lives ahead of us, and I couldn’t wait for it to get started.

But I forced myself to keep my emotions in check. Once the Contention was behind us, we could truly explore what we had together. Still, I couldn’t resist bending my head, and brushing my lips over hers.

She didn’t pull away, kissing me back, softly and sweetly, and it was all I could do not to strip her naked and take her right here in the kitchen. She broke away all too soon, though.

“We have to put the lasagna in the oven,” she reminded me.

“Right.” I moved around the counter and grabbed the pan, putting it in the hot oven and returning to where I belonged. “So, how would you like to spend the next hour?”

I had lots of thoughts of how we could spend it, but Kayden had her own idea. “We could watch the sunset on your terrace.”

“Whatever you wish.” I kissed her cheek, helped her off the counter and led her outside. The air was crisp but not too cold, perfect for lighting my fire pit, which I made quick work of. Then we settled onto a soft loveseat, sipping our wine as we watched the flickering flames.

“I could get used to this,” I murmured, turning to bury my face in her neck and breathe her in. “A night of relaxing, just the two of us. Nothing to worry about except each other.”

She sighed, cuddling up to me, and I wrapped my arms around her, feeling more content than I had in a while. It was just a matter of days now. We were as good as done with the Contention. Kayden didn’t have much to say, her mind seemingly occupied as we sat together, but I was okay with that. I didn’t need words. Just being together was enough for me. All too soon, though, the evening came to an end.

“I should get back to my room,” Kayden said as we finished dinner.

More than anything, I wanted her to stay with me tonight, sleep in my bed and be by my side. But I had to leave early in the morning for Sydnee’s home visit, and I knew if Kayden stayed, I might not get any sleep for the second night in a row.

“I’ll walk you back,” I said reluctantly. “But first…” I rounded the table and took her hand, pulling her to her feet before bringing her close. Brushing her hair back, I traced the curves and angles of her face, struck once again by her beauty.

“I hope you know how much I care about you,” I whispered, then I leaned forward and captured her lips. Kayden lifted her arms and wrapped them around my neck, kissing me back with more passion than she’d shown all night, making me question my resolve to take her back to her room. I ran my gaze over her beautiful face as she pulled back, aching to be even closer. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay here?”

“Tempting,” she murmured. “But not tonight.”

I nodded. Soon enough, it wouldn’t matter. We’d have all the nights ahead of us together. I escorted her back to her room, leaving her with one final, lingering kiss before walking backward, a smile on my face. “I’ll see you at breakfast in the morning.”

But when breakfast time came, it was as if last night had never happened. Like Kayden and I hadn’t reconnected and had a special moment. She studiously sat at the table with Sydnee and me—just the three of us were there today—her eyes on her plate, practically ignoring both of us.

Sydnee wasn’t going to let that opportunity pass her by. She chatted enthusiastically about everything she wanted to show me today, gushing about how much I’d love her family and how much they’d love me. “I can’t wait for you to see where I grew up.”

She went on and on, seemingly oblivious to Kayden’s glowering expression. As soon as Kayden finished her food, she stood abruptly and left without a word.

I glanced at Sydnee, who had a smirk of satisfaction on her face. “I’ll be right back.”

Sydnee huffed. “What? Holden. It’s almost time to go.”

I was already halfway out the door and didn’t bother looking back. “I’ll meet you at the car.”

I caught up with Kayden on the stairs leading to the second floor, wrapping my fingers around her wrist. “Kayden, stop.”

She turned to me, her eyes glassy and her lips trembling. “Why? So I can watch you and Sydnee drive off together, laughing and having a great time? No thanks.”