Page 36 of Frozen By the Alpha

I nodded, too tired to argue with the logic. “Yeah…yeah.” Sleep actually sounded great right about now. I stood, rubbing at my face again. “Wake me up if anything changes.”

“Of course,” Remus agreed easily.

I gave him a nod and turned, heading back down the hallway towards the guest room. I’d barely hit the sheets beside Iris when I fell asleep.



Remus’ Ranch House

Travis County, Texas

When I woke up, Eli wasn’t there. It took me a minute to get my bearings as I drifted in and out of sleep, but when I tipped my head to the other side of the bed, the sheets looked rumpled. I smiled despite myself. As out of it as I’d been, even I could tell how absolutely exhausted he’d looked. I was grateful he’d been able to get some rest, no matter how brief.

I exhaled softly and looked towards the window. Someone had drawn the shades, but I could still see streaks of light trying to sneak through.How long have I been asleep?

Eli had told me earlier that it was still morning, but I’d gone back out like a light.I should check on Bella. She’s been through a lot.

It took me another moment to get my thoughts together and find enough strength to push myself upright, ignoring the soft groan that escaped my lips. I felt like I’d been run over by a truck — and then that truck had backed over me, and then that truck had ran me right over again. Everythingached. I reached up to touch my chest gingerly, but the gauze and bandages were still secure over my pacemaker. While I’d been sore the first time I needed the battery changed, I couldn’t recall feeling so absolutely wrecked.

Then again, I hadn’t been chained up with a silver collar for who knows how long beforehand the last time, either.

The thought made me snort and I reached up to touch my neck; the skin still felt raw there, but I was blessedly free of that damnable thing. I didn’t think I could shift yet, but hopefully with that torture device gone, I’d be able to heal a bit quicker than I had in the facility.

After a moment, I pushed the sheets back and slowly swung my legs to the side of the bed, feeling like I was a ninety-year-old human rather than a twenty-three-year-old shifter. I grimaced as I placed my feet on the floor, moving slowly. This song and dance was not new to me. Admittedly, no one had shorted out my pacemaker’s battery before, but pushing myself too hard wasn’t new. I took it slow, making sure my head wasn’t spinning before I stood.

As I looked around the room, I realized someone must have gone to Eli’s condo and brought back my clothing. Assuming it had been him, I padded over to my duffel, rooting through the contents. I was relieved to see everything just as I’d left it, and I pulled out a few things so I could return Luna’s clothing to her.

My second bag was there as well, and I took a quick peek. My computer was still inside, as were my tools and my few personal belongings. A small wave of relief washed over me as I changed into my own things, feeling a bit like I was wearing my own skin again. I folded up Luna’s outfit and cradled the clothing in my arms as I carefully stepped into the hallway, following the sound of voices to the living room.

Eli, Remus, and Nic were all sitting and talking, the three of them looking up as I walked in. Suddenly, I felt silly holding Luna’s things. I held them out to Remus. “I wanted to return these and thank Luna,” I said quietly, realizing my throat still felt sore. My voice was hoarse, too. “I can wash them if you want.”

Remus just smiled, accepting his mate’s clothing with a small nod. “No need,” he said, shaking his head. “I’ll just put them in the laundry pile when I get up. No big deal.”

I gave a small nod, trying not to look too relieved. “Where’s Bella?”

He nodded towards the glass door. “Luna took her outside with Fiona and the twins. Dr. Hayes had suggested spending time with other children might help her open up some, and he thought the sunshine might be good for her, too. He isn’t sure how long she’d been imprisoned.”

I grimaced, wrapping my arms around my torso. “I have no idea, either,” I admitted, looking out the glass door at Remus’ back yard. “I didn’t have time to ask her parents. I didn’t even get their subject numbers.”

“Subject numbers?” Eli asked, his brows pinching together.

My grimace deepened. “Yes. They referred to us only by number. They wouldn’t want to be human about it,” I growled, baring my teeth. “I was called Subject 296. Cyn was called Subject 290, so there were clearly five others between us, and we didn’t get taken that far apart from each other. I never heard anyone refer to Bella’s parents, so…I couldn’t even guess.”

Eli’s expression darkened and Remus growled. “Five more wolves? That’s far worse than I thought,” the older alpha said.

Eli motioned for me with one hand. “Come and sit down,” he invited, scooting sideways on the couch to make some room for me.

I hesitated, looking towards the glass door one last time. I wanted to check on Bella, but…Luna had her own children. Young children, even. She probably understood the little girl better than I did, so I relented, padding over to join Eli on the couch.

“Are you hungry?” Nic asked, looking like he was ready to jump to his feet. “Luna made muffins earlier.”

“I’m fine,” I said, waving a hand. I didn’t want anyone to feel like they had to get me anything.

“How are you feeling?” Eli asked, his voice a bit gentler.

I sighed, trying not to get frustrated with the lot of them. I could see where Eli got it from. “Like someone was poking around at my heart?” No, wait, that was pretty snarky. I inhaled and tried again. “I feel really achy, and I still feel absolutely exhausted.”