I hated to put it so bluntly, but my message clearly hadn’t gotten across last time.

The older man snorted. “You cannot fire me, Eli. I work for your father — the pack alpha.” There was a heavy pause. “It will be a long damn time before you’re pack alpha yourself.”

A soft snarl escaped me at the condescension in his voice.Had Damon always been like this and I never noticed?I was pretty sure I would have, but either way, I wasn’t putting up with this.

“I’m no less an alpha,” I growled, not caring what he thought of my tone. “And you will not speak to me that way. I’m not going to tell you again — you do not work with me anymore, you are not my bodyguard, and I don’t want to see you anywhere around my condo, my office, or Iris. Period.”

I hung up before he had the chance to argue, tossing my phone onto the cushion next to me in disgust. Just when I thought I mightfinallybe making progress…everything had come tumbling back down. Clearly, my father’s talk was cheap. I was being treated no less like a pup than I had been before, and it was starting to feel like I’d never change his mind.

Maybe the Longbow Pack isn’t for me. Maybe it’s time the Archers expanded somewhere else.

I was still noodlingover the novel idea of taking off to build my own clan when someone knocked at the door. I shot to my feet, hurrying over to let Iris back inside — only to find my father and Remus standing at my door.

I took a step back to let them in, glowering at the back of Nic’s head as he walked inside.

It took all of my willpower not to slam the door behind me.

“Why the fuck did you send Damon here last night?” I demanded, not giving either man a chance to descend into pleasantries. I was still pissed, and I wasn’t going to let them disarm me. “I’m a grown-ass man,Nic.” I snarled out his name as if it tasted foul. “I can arrange my own protection detail.”

My father turned around, the shock on his face almost comical. “What are you talking about, Eli?”

I rolled my eyes, clenching my teeth together to keep from snarling. “Damon showed up here last night and told Clay and Jaxon you had sent him to take over the night watch,” I hissed, folding my arms over my chest. “I just got off the phone with him.”

Nic’s brows pressed together, but he looked no less perplexed. His gaze darted over to Remus for a second, but the other alpha remained silent as he watched us both. “Eli, I haven’t spoken to Damon since the night of Fiona’s party — the night you got shot. I didn’t send him anywhere last night,” he explained. “Iassumedhe was on watch last night, as I had no idea he wasn’t your bodyguard anymore, but I didn’t speak to him, much less order him to go anywhere.”

I blinked and forced myself to take a deep breath. I was still righteously angry, but it was becoming clear very quickly that Damon hadn’t been my father’s doing. He’d kept his word, at least thus far. That meant Damon had lied, and that was a whole different can of worms.

I took another breath. “Okay,” I said, forcing myself to nod. I motioned for the two alphas to step further inside, not wanting to trap them in the foyer. “I don’t know why the hell Damon would make up something like that, but…” I shook my head. “I’ll put that on the list of things to figure out.”

Nic furrowed his brow and watched me carefully. “I’m clearly missing something,” he said, tipping his head to one side. “What happened between you and Damon?”

I sighed and rubbed my face. “He was an asshole to Iris at the party,” I grumbled. “And when I told him I was a grown man and capable of making my own judgment about who I spend my time with, he implied both that I wasn’t and that Iris was not worthy of the Longbow Pack. Or any pack, really.” I shrugged. “When he made his position known, I told him I wouldn’t be needing his services anymore. I don’t need my bodyguard questioning each person I spend time with. That isn’t his job, and it hasn’t been since I turned eighteen.”

My father sighed and shook his head, his expression becoming somber. “I’m sorry to hear that,” he said, shaking his head again. “I had no idea. I’ll have a word with him about his recent…behavior.” After a moment, he looked back up at me. “Where are Clay and Jaxon now?”

“They’re on their way back over here,” I said, finally heading into the kitchen. I should be starving, but the only thing I felt was upset. Upset that Damon hadn’t seen Iris, or that he’d deceived me about seeing her. That Iris hadn’t picked up her phone or called back, or left a note in the first place.

Remus spoke as if he could sense my train of thought. “Where’s Iris?”

I sighed, leaning against the kitchen counter. “Don’t know,” I sighed again, rubbing my chin. “She wasn’t here when I got up. Her phone’s gone, but her bag’s here with all her things. I tried to call her, but she didn’t pick up.” My frown returned. “Damon says he never saw her, either.”

It was Nic’s turn to scowl, shaking his head.

Remus pursed his lips. “Maybe she needed some air,” he suggested, nodding over towards the wall. “This is a pretty heavy thing we’re dealing with, after all. No one likes to admit when they’re feeling overwhelmed.”

I knew he was just trying to make me feel better, but he didn’t know the half of it, and I wasn’t at all inclined to share with him exactly what Iris and I had been up to the night before.

His phone rang before I could formulate a response, and he frowned at the screen, stepping away to pick up.

My father and I exchanged looks as Remus’ expression soured, his voice going tense as someone on the other line spoke. “I’ll come immediately,” he said before hanging up. “I have to go,” he informed us both, his expression looking gloomy. “A shifter was found dead around the city outskirts.”

I sucked in a sharp breath, trying to ignore the spike of fear racing up my spine. “Who?”

Remus shook his head. “I don’t know yet. A young woman, blond. That’s all I have. The shifter who discovered her is trying to make sure no humans stumble upon the body before I get there.”

Not Iris, then.I remembered how to breathe. “I’ll come with you,” I said, already abandoning all thoughts of breakfast. “If this has anything to do with that military operation…”

Remus’ face turned cold as he gave a terse nod. “We’re about to find out.”