Page 24 of Broken Earth

Terri’s smile widened at his show of dominance, her pleasure tinting the musk of her arousal. Lightly tugging again on his vibrissae, she backed in the direction that he desired her to go. Veral trilled low in his throat, his body crowding hers, his mandibles scraping through her hair, gathering her scent and taste into his receptors. With a low, rattling groan, he broke away from her.

“Enough, female. At your insistence, I will forget these males, but we must go now.”

His previous goal of waiting to secure his mating until their task was complete was forgotten. He would not be able to wait for the optimal moment, but he refused to seed his female for the first time on the desert floor. He would tie his mate to him within the dwelling that would become hers by right of Argurma law.

Everything that was his would become his mate’s property, and the idea thrilled him on a fundamental, primitive level. In one act, everything that he was, down to everything that she would soon own, would be imbued with his scent and nano signature. She would own it by law, but in turn he would conquer her and irrevocably tie her to him.

Surging forward over the terrain, he came close to dragging Terri behind him until, with a snarl of impatience, he flung his mate over his shoulder so that her body was wedged between his neck and the primary horn on his shoulder. Her breath left her body in a whoosh of air, but she regained it quickly enough that he was not concerned.

Terri’s small hands tugged on his armor and he felt her weight shift as she did her best to lift her upper body despite the way she swayed with his every step. Her throaty laughter sent sparks of pleasure shooting over him. They gathered and shot straight down to his groin when her small hands caressed his buttocks as if studying them. He felt a sting as the flat of her hand connected with one. His hips jerked once again, his civix convulsing.

Oh, the pleasure it provided… and gave him ideas of how he might turn such a stirring touch on her own delicate backside.

“You know, you really do have a great ass,” she said. “I’ve admired it before but obviously never this up close and personal. It is truly impressive. Especially when you’re wearing nothing but a tiny scrap of cloth.”

“You speak of my sadt,” he grumbled as she continued to caress the muscles enticingly.

“Sadt… It’s misnamed if you ask me. Looking at it definitely doesn’t make mesad. Just very happy,” she quipped. He chuffed at the wordplay as he turned and dropped his head, his nose brushing the apex of her thighs. He inhaled her scent as his own hand rose to knead the curve of her ass, eliciting a throaty moan from his mate.

Veral quickened his step, feeling the pressure of the impending breach of his pouch. Relief surged through his systems when he finally detected the energy signature of his cloaked ship. Sending himself into the mainframe of his vessel, he deactivated the cloak and opened the cargo hold. The black portal rippled and slid open at his approach. He didn’t waste a precious second striding up into his ship, despite being fully aware of his mate craning her head trying to see everything at once.

“Veral, hang on… Veral!” He growled when she delivered a pinch to his asscheek. “Slow down, I want to see this. Better yet… put me down.”

“You will have plenty of time to investigate at your leisure, but not now,” he replied taciturnly.

He stopped at the portal leading into the main ship and paused long enough to be certain that all the collector carts were in the cargo hold and the ship’s cloak was reactivated. Normally, he would attend to the carts right away, but he barely had the presence of mind to close the cargo entrance before plunging into the depths of the ship with Terri in his embrace. His blood heated as the familiar scents of his ship mixed and merged with those of his female. The end product was so perfect that every breath he drew was filled with a sense of rightness. He was only just barely aware of Krono trotting ahead of them.

Veral bypassed the cockpit and headed directly for his chambers. His seam was splitting more and more with each step and his vision clouded over with a frenzy of desire. His pulse beat out a rhythm of need that could not be denied.

He no longer wished to deny or restrain it. Caught in its fury, he couldn’t recall or imagine why he attempted to do so in the first place. He burned for her and her arousal deepened in response, feeding off his own pheromones that he was now steadily releasing into the air in the confines of his territory.

“Oh, fuck,” she whispered, her nose and cheek brushing against his back. “You smell so good. I can hardly describe it. Like exotic, unknown spices and the wood that I sometimes find in the closets where rich people used to live.” She took another deep breath. “Amazing. I can’t believe how hot it is making me. I feel like I am about ready to combust.”

Although the turn of phrase sounded alarming, Veral understood the raw need behind the words. He felt it as well. His body began to prime itself, his civix pushing against his pouch. His world focused on his intense need to breed.

“Anastha,” he bit out, needing to warn her. “I cannot restrain myself. It will be rough and perhaps more violent than you are used to. Do not resist. If you struggle, I will instinctively pin you in place when I am in the grips of the heat. It will not be pleasant.”

“I expect you to explain all of this to me when we are both in our right minds,” she said. “But trust me, babe, I have no intention of resisting. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to fuck this bad my entire life!”

A surprised chuff of laughter burst from him as he strode into his room—theirroom. Reverently, he stretched his mate over the bed, his body pressing briefly against hers before he pulled away to divest himself of his armor as soon as possible. The moment his groin plate came off, his civix burst through the barrier of his pouch with a sharp sensation that sent such an intense wave of pleasure through him that he wanted to drown in it, relishing every moment as his inky sex twisted in the air in front of him for the first time. Its flexible, hooked head snapped through the air as the shaft coiled. Two large tubes at either side of the head leaked fluid, lubricating his priming civix. He stared at it in fascination and alarm. It seemed larger and thicker than what he was expecting. He glanced at his mate, hoping that she wasn’t alarmed by its appearance.

Instead of being afraid, Terri stared at it curiously through lust-hazed eyes, her lips parting in an intense expression of need. With a snap of his hands, he removed her clothing before prowling back up the length of her body, his massive frame wedging between her thighs. His mate shifted, a wariness beneath the haze of desire.

“Veral,” she whispered. “Careful…”

Need twisted through his gut. He couldn’t make sense of her warning, but nor could he find the words to inquire as to her meaning. His cock snapped restlessly, its upward movement pulling at his sack hidden within his pouch for the time being. Every yank of his civix against his root made his body shudder. He couldn’t hold back. His hips slammed forward, his civix twisting and burrowing into the deep, dark heat of her sex as he plowed in one long thrust until their hips met.


Terri gasped. She was wet enough that she didn’t feel more than a pinch as her untried sex stretched, yielding as his massive sex rooted deep within her. She felt it twisting and rubbing against her inner walls as it plunged deeper, the strange, almost hook-shaped head searching for something as it ground against the delicate cluster of nerves. It struck the sensitive spot with enough force that it had her arching up and wailing as her belly clenched with an orgasm that whipped through her with the force of the violent sandstorms that regularly swept over the city.

Through all of it, she was anchored by his arms and the weight of his pelvis against hers. Even his vibrissae threaded through her hair, twining and stroking as he crooned to her. She clung to him, though his cock was so unlike anything she’d ever imagined. It moved on its own as Veral began to pump his hips, grinding down at the end of each thrust with a rolling, almost purring sound from his vibrating mandibles. Terri reached out and grasped the horns protruding from his shoulders. They were short but curved upward, providing perfect handholds to give her stability and control in the storm that swept over her.

Although frightened a little by its intensity, she surrendered to it, lightning licking over her flesh every time their pelvises crashed together. Even caught up in her ecstasy, and inexperienced as she was, she knew that this was not just sex.

Did sex feel like one was being claimed down to the deepest, hidden recesses of her being?

She didn’t have the mental space to even think of it clearly. Veral demanded everything from her as he rocked into her, his cock twisting within her every time he retreated as if protesting and attempting to worm its way again close to her womb, but then stiffening eagerly as he thrust deep again. It bumped, the hooked tip making her sex clench at its every contact against the mouth of her womb.