The fragments of humanity that cling to me shatter and fall away like thousands of droplets merging into the mist surrounding me. It curls back in a blast as my wings snap out and carry me into the air above the hedges. My eyes slide over the maze below until they fix on my prey. Fran sways in the hold of my mists, her body writhing with so much pleasure from the coils and plumes of mist I manipulate that her hand has dropped helplessly away. She is completely caught in my web, and the sight and sensation of it is a delicious bliss that floods me.
A hungry smile stretches across my face as I wheel toward her, my wings cutting through the air. The moment I am directly overhead, I drop, my arms and wings wrapping around her when I make contact. Her frightened squeal assails my ears along with the sudden snarl of plants that tear over me in attempt to pry her from my arms. I hold fast, however, purring rapturously. Even the biting sting of the plants adds to my pleasure, making my cock grow thicker and harder than ever before.
My tongue strokes along her neck, both sets of my fangs grazing along the delicate skin in an erotic rasp. Fran gasps and arches into me, her wild eyes turning to my face. The panic within their depths shifts to comprehension as my purr picks up pace and grows louder until I am sure she can feel it rattle her bones. I moan, however, when the heat of her desire intensifies, and her hips arch up against my pelvis in a demanding grind.
“I caught you, little one,” I whisper against her neck. “Time to surrender your gift to me.”
“Have you?” She softly chuckles. “Perhaps it’s I who have snared you?”
I lift my head to peer down at her. Numerous thick vines curl around me, yanking me up onto a stone altar that I had not noticed before. I thrash against my bonds, my wings snapping ineffectually, but the vines tighten, restraining me to the stone surface, leaving me the ability to do nothing but watch my captor approach, a devious smile on her lips as she opens the top button of her sweater. Her eyes skim over me appreciatively, and a shiver of need overtakes her. The need to join is riding her hard as well, and I am aware of a fresh flood of slick as it dampens her thighs as she stalks toward me. I glare at her, my eyes following her movements.
What game is she playing? Does she seek to punish me by teasing and denying me?A growl rumbles in the back of my throat, my muscles straining against my prison. If she is concerned at all by my reaction, she does not show it.
She gestures to our surroundings with one hand. “Do you know what this is?”
I silently shake my head, not trusting my ability to attempt to make intelligible words.
Her smile widens as she slips another button loose and then another. “This is the center of the labyrinth. This is where we will hold the Hallows Mass, sending forth our offerings to the netherworld, but tonight… it will serve for something more.”
Her sweater falls to the garden floor, followed by her floral skirt. The undergarments she wears are of a simple, utilitarian design, but they cling to her with her heat. She slides off the scrap that covers her bottom, revealing an enticing glimpse between her thighs. I blink for a moment, startled to see it bare. Vampires do not possess body hair, but I was certain that humans did. She notes the direction of my gaze and chuckles.
“Laser removal. I can’t stand body hair, and it’s going to make all of this so much better,” she whispers as her fingers dance along the hook closure and fly of my trousers.
My anger immediately dissipates, and I shiver again at the light touch. I am intensely grateful as her fingers undo my trousers, exposing my hard cock. Molten heat fills her eyes as her gaze caresses my prick. When she grabs the waistband, I eagerly lift my hips so that she can tug the bothersome fabric down. A moan escapes me, and my wings twitch as she cups my sack with one hand as if testing its weight before sliding her hand up the length of my cock. Her eyes rise from my engorged member to meet my gaze.
“Is this the real you?”
“Yessss,” I hiss between my teeth.
Her head cocks slightly, her gaze roving over my face before dipping down to my chest and wings.
“I think I prefer it,” she says at last, stroking the fingers of one hand along the delicate webbing of my nearest wing.
My wings jerk and tremble in surprise, and her smile widens.
“Why?” I rasp. “Not. Human.”
She gives a small shrug, her smile not dimming even a fraction. “Human can sometimes be overrated. I prefer this—knowing exactly what I’m getting rather than someone trying to get into my pants by trying to appear as close to human as possible.”
Leaning forward, her eyes return to my face once more. “You have beautiful bone structure. And this is a true work of art,” she adds, her fingers winding around my cock to give it a slight squeeze. “I’ve never seen a cock that is so large or so completely beaded from top to bottom. It doesn’t happen in humans naturally and can’t even be accomplished to this degree even with surgical enhancement. Like a thousand pearls under the skin. Truly beautiful. The triangle head and that upward curve makes my pussy tingle just looking at it.”
My wings slip against the altar as fog rises around us in waves and I groan, my hips kicking up against her hand. She hums softly in the back of her throat as she gives it a leisurely stroke that sends blasts of heat coiling rapidly through me. My body is aware of one thing only: my mate’s touch. A snarl of protest leaves me when her hand drops away, but in the next moment I feel her knee sliding up on the altar beside me as she pulls herself up and swings her other leg over to straddle me. Her wet heat is so close to my prick that it is torture, and I pump my hips up uselessly in an attempt to sink into that hot, wet cunt.
I feel her hands touch the sides of my face, and with considerable effort I manage to focus my eyes on her beautiful smiling face.
“Do you trust me, Reynard?”
“Yes,” I rasp.
Her eyebrows raise, her head tilting once more. “Even though you don’t know me?”
My head snaps side to side in frustration. “It… doesn’t matter. You… are… mine. My mate. My everything.”
Her weight shifts, and I watch in dismay as she straightens. “So soon?”
“It is that way among many species,” I bite out. “The separation proved it after I showed signs of nesting for you.”
She leans forward again. “I am your mate… only me?”