“You look better,” I murmur. “How do you feel?”
“Vastly improved,” he assures me.
“And Ted?”
“He is well. He is in the kitchen, replenishing himself.” He raises his head, and I can sense him staring at the crush of bodies making their way around the tables and to the dancers in the middle of the room. “I did not anticipate this level of dress tonight. Do I look acceptable? I do not wish to shame you on the dance floor.”
A husky laugh bursts from me as I reach up to smooth his cravat.
“I think you should be more worried of the opposite happening. You look amazing as usual. I am the one underdressed.” I give him a playful look. “Will you ditch me tonight when you are asked to dance?”
His brows draw down in a puzzled frown. “I do not understand. Why would they ask me to dance?”
“Tonight is the Sorceress’s Choice dance, where the ladies have their pick of partners. Something about reaffirming the matriarchal roots of our coven though it’s mostly no longer in practice. That’s why all of them dressed like this—they are all trying to outdo each other.”
To my surprise, he steps back a step, his expression darkening as he stares out at the crowd like they are about to attack them. “You would not allow anyone to claim me thusly, would you?”
I shake my head and immediately step forward to place a comforting hand on his arm. “Of course not. You are my choice for this dance and all others. I’m not going to give anyone else the opportunity to steal you away.”
He gives me an unconvinced look but slides his hand into mine as we walk out onto the dance floor. A shiver of excitement runs through me as he draws me into his arms in front of everyone. Our first day we walked and talked, so I haven’t yet had the opportunity to dance with Reynard. The heat of his opposite hand as it comes to rest against my waist melts me. I feel boneless and limber, as if I can do anything, as he leads me into the steps of our first dance.
Our first dance becomes our second, then third. Not that we dance the entire time, since we walk around and even duck outside to wander through the rose garden and several other small gardens established beyond the confines of the main garden within the maze. To my delight, however, no one approaches him. I catch a few interested and wistful looks sent his way but that is the most of it.
It seems like I never had to say a word after all. While everyone doesn’t know the exact status of our relationship, it’s well enough understood that he is mine and I’m happy enough with that. Even my mother is wearing a happy smile whenever she looks over at me, though part of me wonders if she’s happy that I’m having a good time for a change—and just how happy she will be when she discovers that he has claimed me for his mate. It should be an interesting conversation to say the least. I will need to make a formal announcement once Reynard and I work out exactly what this mating business means to us so the entire coven is aware of this shift within our family. Everyone has been required to do it as each new soul added to our coven shifts the balance of its power.
But that is a worry for another night. Tonight, I feel on top of the world—like a queen—as Reynard and I dance and stroll around until Reynard finally has to leave to join Jack outside. Without him, I collect Beast and retire early to my bedroom alone.
I hate it, but I understand. I understand responsibility all too well.
Ishake my head in frustration as I stalk through the yard, my wings snapping behind me with the relief of no longer being confined behind the illusion of humanity. Thank the gods for tailored clothing with hidden slits that allow my wings to push out without any discomfort. In ages past, I would have had to partially strip to make use of my wings. And in situations like this they can be most invaluable.
“Something has been making its way through here, Jack, and it is cloaking its scent well. Why didn’t you say something?”
“Like what? It didn’t seem worth bothering you with when we are not certain ourselves. It could be a wraith for all we know. It’s that time of the year.”
I still do not like it. A wraith does make sense, though it seems odd for one to be lurking so close to a coven. Last I was aware, unless in contract with a witch, wraiths preferred isolated areas where they can haunt and hunt without disruption from the magic of others. Because wraiths tend to feed on fear, witches more often than not exorcize them from the area.
“How goes it with Fran?” Jack asks, disrupting my train of thought.
I give him a sharp look, anticipating an ulterior motive, but he merely meets my gaze with open curiosity.
“All is quite wonderful,” I admit. “In truth, I would rather be with her now than out here patrolling with you.”
Jack makes an approving sound. “I figured things must be going exceedingly well since you did not join me last night nor did you return to our room. Has the claim been made then?”
I shake my head. “We have claimed each other in many pleasurable ways, but the claim remains incomplete until she is ready.”
As anticipated, my cousin gapes at me in bewilderment. “But why? She yielded to you and opened herself up to join with you. You should have claimed her while the opportunity presented itself. Regardless of what her mind says, she chose you and triggered your nesting. The decision has already been made for both of you. That is what our rivals are doing, you can be sure.”
“That is the old way, and it is one best forgotten,” I snap. “I have seen enough miserable pairings in my time of females mated without their consent, the hatred festering between them until they only come together to fulfill their sexual need for each other, often in brutalizing ways, their bond the only thing keeping them from killing each other. I do not want that with my mate, and neither should you.”
His sigh is full of frustration that I can well understand, but it pleases me that he has come around without asking any further questions on the topic. I do not wish for him to know that I watched this madness personally between my own parents and the idea of doing that to any female makes my skin crawl with revulsion and my heart ache.
“When you’re right, you’re right. No doubt it is just a matter of time. It is not like our species doesn’t possess an abundance of patience,” he says, preening a little, though I resist pointing out that he has done anything but show patience and restraint. His eyebrows raise at me curiously. “Perhaps we should report to the queen of our success. Even without the claim fulfilled, she will be delighted to know that there is a mating.”