Page 8 of Mercy

“A few rows back,” she said. “It’s a packed house tonight.”

“Fridays usually are.”

She unlocked the car and Barron opened the driver’s door for her. “You know what?”

“What?” he asked.

“Do you have a car?”

“I have a motorcycle, why?”

“I was just wondering if I should leave the keys in the car here for Ree so she can drive home whenever.”

“I’d be happy to drive us.”

“Cool.” She sat behind the wheel, then closed the keys in the visor. She got out of the car and shut the door. “Lead the way.”

He took her around to the back of the bar where he’d parked and handed her his helmet. He had a spare at home, but he hadn’t thought he’d need it tonight.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

“I’m a fast healer because of my shifter genes. Besides, you’re more precious anyway, and worth protecting.”

“All this sweet talk. A girl could get used to it.” She buckled the helmet and smiled up at him.

“You should. I plan to tell you all the time how lucky I am to know you.”

He got on the bike and started the engine, then helped her settle behind him. She scooted close, threading her arms around his waist and splaying her hands on his chest. He was aware that she had a short skirt on and was thankful she was pressed against him so no one would see anything personal.

“Ready, sweetness?”

“You bet.” She rattled off her address and he entered it into his phone’s GPS and set it in the holder.

He couldn’t wait to get her alone so they could talk. And maybe more. Whatever the night brought didn’t actually matter. He was just damn thankful to have her in his life.

The drive to her apartment building was short. He enjoyed having her on the back of his bike, the way she clutched him tighter on curves. He parked and helped her off.

As she took off the helmet, she said, “There are four units in the building. The owners live on the bottom – they’re a nice retired couple with a yappy sort of dog, and an ER doctor lives in the other one. Ree and I are across from each other on the second floor.”

“You guys don’t live together?”

“We did for a while, but she wanted her privacy so I moved across the hall. I’m not much of a cook, so I like to steal her food. She probably feels like I never left.”

“I wish I could have taken you to my home, but I live with my grandpa.”

“And I’m also human.” She ran her hands through her hair a few times. Then she removed a house key from a flap on the back of her cell case.

“It’s not that you can’t come into the territory, it’s that I don’t want to be disrespectful to my grandpa by assuming he won’t mind waking up with a stranger in the house.”

“I get that. I think it’s sweet.”

“I want you to meet him, just not tonight when we’ve got so much to discuss.”

The apartments had exterior entrances. The second floor had a metal staircase that led up to a landing, with the apartments on either side. She opened the door to the right and clicked on a light as she stepped in.

“Welcome to my place. Make yourself at home.”

He kicked the door shut and lifted her into his arms. He strode to the couch and sat on the comfortable cushions. She straddled his thighs, her knees sinking as she rested her hands on his shoulders and smiled at him.