Page 27 of Mercy

“True. But in the territory, there are protectors who patrol overnight. It’s like a neighborhood watch, but with lions. They pay special attention to the homes where mates and children live, when their males are away. So while no one can take better care of you than me, it’ll settle my lion some to know someone is keeping an eye on you.”

He sat on the bed and put on his boots, waiting for her to say something. She was quiet as she got dressed. He wondered if she would say she didn’t want to live in the pride territory right now, which he’d respect. Her happiness was the most important thing in his world, and if she wanted to stay in the apartment then he’d figure out a way to be okay with it. Him and his grumpy lion.

“Okay,” she said, turning to face him.

“Okay what?”

She smiled and moved to him, stepping between his spread legs and cupping his face. Leaning down, she brushed her lips across his, the light touch making his cat purr.

“Okay, we can move to the pride territory.”

“You’re sure?” He rested his hands on her hips and drew her a little closer.

“Of course. I know we talked about staying here for a while, but there’s really no need to. The drive to the salon isn’t bad from there, and maybe I can even set up my own place for the pride. It would be fun to have a little shop of my own.”

Immediately, he wanted to make that happen for her. The way her eyes lit up when she was excited was one of his favorite things.

“We can talk to Byron about available houses. If we don’t find anything we like, we could always build. There’s plenty of land.”

“Anything by your grandpa? I’d like to get to know him better.”

“He’d love that and so would I. We can look into it.”

“Awesome. Now I think someone promised to treat me to lunch today, and I’m starving.”

“You and me both, sweetheart.”

They left the apartment and drove to a diner near the pride’s territory that served the best coffee along with his favorite breakfast – eggs Benedict. He called Byron to ask about available homes, and he offered to show them around after they were done eating.

While Barron and Mercy ate, they talked about the future and how different their lives were now that they’d found each other.

“I can’t believe my sister is going to be the boss of everyone,” Mercy said with a chuckle.

“She and Duke will be great alphas. She has a disadvantage over a lion because she didn’t grow up being taught the laws, but she’ll catch on fast.”

“I’m glad I have you to teach me everything. I did have one question, though.”


“When we have kids, will they be teased for being half-human? Like if they can’t shift?”

He hummed as he added salt to the home fries and then stabbed a pile with his fork. “To be honest, I have no idea what the pride is going to be like at that point. Lions don’t shift until they’re teenagers, so if more humans come into the pride as mates, then the norm would cease to be full-lion and would be a mixture. Our kids might be able to shift, but there’s no way to tell until they reach the right age.”

“So maybe by the time they’re old enough to shift, if they can or not, it won’t really matter?”

“That would be my guess. And our kids will be the nieces and nephews of the alphas, so even if they don’t shift, they’ll still be important pride members as part of the alpha family.” He ate the potatoes and then took a drink of coffee. “Are you worried?”

“Not really, but it’s been on my mind.”

“Well, whatever our kids end up like, we’ll love them and that’s what matters.”


They finished eating and headed to the territory to meet Byron at his home.

He smiled at them as he stepped off the porch. “How are you two today?”

“Great,” Barron said, shaking his hand. “Thanks for taking us out.”