Page 22 of Mercy

Barron wasn’t about to lose his mate or see a hair on her head harmed. Her safety was paramount to him.

He went limp for a moment, dropping his head to his chest and exhaling as if he’d just passed out. The males snickered, and Barron could see Lenn and Jake were both getting off the floor. He was about to face five-on-one again, but he’d die before he let them get anywhere near Mercy.

Dialing into his cat, he pushed himself to shift as fast as he ever had. As his clothes tore and his body changed, he swung out his clawed hands, connecting with flesh and bone. He roared, launching himself at Jake and Lenn and smiling inwardly as their bodies smashed to the floor under his weight. He lowered his head and roared in Jake’s face. He was aware of two males rushing into the hall, and he looked up to see Hemi and Titus.

“The fuck?” Titus shouted.

Hemi didn’t wait for an explanation, but waded into the melee, sending the males scattering as he advanced.

Barron sank his claws into the chests of the two males under him, sitting on his haunches and keeping them right where he wanted them.

“Get him off us!” Jake shouted. “He’s gone nuts.”

Titus lifted his phone and said, “Did you forget about the security cameras, you asshole? And I live here! Did you think you could attack someone here without me hearing?”

Hemi punched George in the face and dropped the male to the ground, then grasped Jimmy by the throat and lifted him high against the wall. “What the fuck are you doing to Barron?”

“He attacked us!” Jimmy shouted, trying to pry Hemi’s hand from his throat.

“Try again,” Titus said. “And in case I forgot to mention it, Duke’s on his way and knows everything. I saw the video of you five coming at Barron.”

“Let me go and I’ll tell,” Liam said.

“Shut up!” Lenn growled.

Barron leaned against the male, making his face turn red as the pressure on his chest increased. He stopped struggling and went still, and Barron narrowed his eyes and let out a snort before leaning back again.

“You’re not going anywhere but to the cages,” Titus said. “But you will tell me what you’re doing, or you’ll go there unconscious.”

Barron heard the front door open. Titus looked at his phone. “That’s Duke. Now you have to face the alpha.”

“He’s not our alpha,” George said from where he sat against the wall, cradling his head.

“Asshole,” Hemi said, smashing his knee into the male’s face. His head cracked against the wall and he fell to the floor. “Fuck, I always hated him.”

“I’ll go talk to Duke; you guys got this?” Titus asked.

“No problem,” Hemi said.

Barron looked at Hemi and nodded, thankful the male was standing by him. He didn’t know why Hemi had felt the need to come back to the bar after he’d left for the night, but he was damn grateful. He needed to know that Mercy was safe, and the males hadn’t sent someone to harm her. Just the thought of her in danger made his lion furious, and he leaned into the males below him once more, shifting the weight to his paws and digging his claws deeper into their flesh.


His head snapped up when Mercy’s voice broke through the lethal haze that shrouded him. She was standing at the end of the hall, her face tear-stained and her eyes wide.

She was safe. That’s all he needed to know.

Chapter Eight

“Who’s calling?” Duke asked as his phone buzzed in the cup holder.

“Hold on,” Ree said. She picked up the phone. “It’s Titus.”

“Put it on speaker.”

“Hey man, we’ve got some trouble here,” Titus said.

“I’m a few minutes away.”