Page 14 of Mercy

When he finished dressing, he pulled her into his arms and gave her a kiss that made her toes curl. “I have a question.”


“Our kids might be able to shift?” she asked.

He hummed. “Maybe. They’ll be hybrids, half-human and half-lion. Whether they shift or not depends on if they take more after me or you. But it doesn’t really matter in the long run.”

“What do you mean?”

“First of all, because we’ll love them whether they can shift or not. But secondly, because the pride is changing the mating laws and allowing us to stay in the pride no matter who we mate, our children will be welcomed, too.”

She hummed as understanding filled her. “If someone chose to mate outside of their own kind, then they had to leave and their kids weren’t allowed to join the pride, even if they could shift.”

“Exactly. Now that the laws have changed, you and I can stay in the pride and our kids can, too.”

They began to walk away from the alpha’s home, navigating a well-worn trail through the woods. “Other lion prides are like yours used to be, though.”

“I think eventually they’ll all come around, but even if they don’t it doesn’t matter. Our kids can choose to mate with whoever they want without worrying about losing anything.”

“You were willing to walk away from all this for me, though.”

“You’re worth it.”

She smiled, her heart soaring at the sweet words.

They reached a house with yellow siding and dark green shutters. A light was on over the front porch, illuminating a welcome mat and a potted plant. And a golden glow seeped from behind the front window curtains.

Her heart kicked up a notch. “Oh man, I just realized I’m about to meet your grandpa.”

“Don’t be nervous. He’ll love you.”

“I can’t help it.” She pressed a hand to her chest and took a deep breath, trying to calm her suddenly flying pulse.

Barron opened the door. “Hey, Grandpa. You still up?”

“Of course. My favorite show is on,” a man answered.

“I hope you’re decent. I brought someone special to meet you.”

“Hold on, let me tie my robe closed.”

There was the sound of shuffling. Barron shut the door with a low laugh. “I’m glad I gave him a chance to close up shop, so to speak.”

He took her from the small foyer down a short hall and turned right. They stepped into a family room, which had dark blue shag carpeting, a well-worn sofa, and a big flat-screen television hanging over a fireplace.

“Grandpa Donnie,” Barron said as the male rose to his feet, “this is my heart-match, Mercy Hendrix. Sweetheart, this is my grandfather, Donnie Kincade.”

“Well, well, isn’t this a wonderful surprise!” Donnie closed the distance between them and shook Mercy’s hand. “Welcome to the family, Mercy. Byron called me to explain the change to pride laws coming our way. I take it you two are part of that?”

Barron nodded. He and Mercy sat on the couch and Donnie resumed his seat in the recliner, digging the remote from between the cushions and turning off the TV. “It’s more about Duke and his heart-match Ree, who is Mercy’s sister, but we’re happy that Byron was willing to make changes to the laws, so I wasn’t facing exile.”

“Well,” Donnie said, “I would have left with you. Not to live in the same house, mind you. A male has to have his privacy.” He winked at Mercy and she chuckled. “But I would’ve left the pride if you two weren’t accepted. There’s no one here for me but you anyway.”

“Now you have Mercy, too,” Barron pointed out.

Donnie grinned. “Look at me. I’ve got a granddaughter. That’s pretty neat. Now, where are my manners? Are you hungry or thirsty?”

“I’m fine, thank you.”