He smiles softly. “Yes, I’d like that very much. Does me cooking dinner count as our first date then?”

I grin and giggle and punch his arm. “Finish the dishes, but yes. That was a nice first date.”

We’re in high spirits now as he passes me dishes to dry. Afterward, we pack them up together, and I drag him to the living room and sit him down. He looks at me curiously. “I found something in the cabin.” I declare, running off to a cupboard and pulling out a game of monopoly.

He raises an eyebrow. “You want to play a board game?”

“If we’re staying here until your meeting with Andres, then yes, I want to play board games and watch movies and read together,” I say, grinning. “Are you going to give me what I want?”

“I did say I always will,” he promises, opening the box and helping me set up the game.

I get us each a glass of wine, and we start playing. “I’d like to point out,” I say, “that you have an unfair advantage because you’re used to working with money.”

“It says I have to go to jail,” he holds up a card. “Who do I pay to stay out of jail?”

I laugh, and it feels like a genuinely good laugh. “This isn’t Mafia-opoly. You go to jail until you pay your bail or throw a double.”

He pouts. “I would never go to jail in real life. How is real life helping me win.”

I grin and throw the dice. “Yes! I am so buying this property!”

I count out the money, and he crinkles his nose. “It’s a cheap property. Are you sure you want it?”

“Why wouldn’t I?” I ask him suspiciously.

“I could buy it from you,” he offers.

“No!” I yell. “No, I’m keeping it because you’re up to something.”

It’s a fun night, and we stay up very late. He beats me at monopoly, although I claim he cheats. We pack up everything, and he walks me to my room. I look up at him, and he shakes his head. “We’re doing this the right way, nice and slowly.”

“I’m glad,” I say softly. “It’ll make us stronger together.”

“Alessandro and Katya will have nothing on us,” he grins. “We’ll show them what a power couple looks like.”

I stand on my toes. “I don’t care as long as we’re together.”

I kiss him softly, and he returns the gentle kiss, and we leave it at that. Nothing more than a soft kiss before he whispers, “goodnight, sweet dreams,” and goes to his room down the hallway.

I bounce into my room, and before I do anything else, I squeal and throw myself onto my bed. I haven’t felt this happy since when we were first together. I feel like I can fly higher than any bird and swim faster than any fish. My whole world is a kaleidoscope of color, and he’s the light shining through that brings the patterns together.

I get up to get showered and changed and then collapse back into bed with the biggest smile on my face, and I know this is going to be the best night's rest I’ve had in a long, long time.

Chapter 28 - Frankie

I have guards everywhere I can possibly think to place them, and Amelia is by my side. I wait patiently with a file on Andres in front of me. Alessandro confirmed he is an outcast from the family, that there are problems within the family and that everything Andres said is true. He’s given me the go-ahead to negotiate as needed.

I keep a calm, cold disposition as the young man walks in. He’s tall and does bear a resemblance to Dave, but I don’t let any emotion cross my face.

I glance down at the file. People within The Catalans are dissatisfied with how Jose’s handling things. Some are greedy, while others are previously loyal members he’s mistreated and betrayed or whose loved ones he’s murdered.

I stand and hold out my hand, giving Andres a firm handshake, “Andres, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Francesco. I believe you have a proposition for me.”

We both sit down as he says, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Francesco. May I call you Frankie? It’s how I know you.”

I give a slight nod, and he continues, “Thank you for meeting with me. I know you have no reason to trust me. I respect that you are still hearing me out.”

I don’t let emotion cross my face, this is purely business, and I don’t want to give him any ammunition against me. “Amelia says that you have a solution for my problem. My problem is that your uncle wants me dead. Am I to believe you want your uncle dead?”