“Noted. Keep an eye on Amelia and have one of the guys keep an eye on the friend, who he talks to, and where he stays. We need to find out as much as possible,” Alessandro says. “I have to go. I have a meeting now. Send the photo. I’ll expect your call in three days.”

He hangs up, and I take the phone apart. I cut up the sim card and drop the phone parts in a pitcher of water.

I press a buzzer on my intercom. “Romeo, come here.”

A large, intimidating bouncer walks in and stands in front of my desk. “What do you need help with boss?”

“See that guy talking to my wife?” I point at the camera, and he nods.

“I’ve been keeping an eye on them all night,” he says.

“When he leaves, I want you to tail him, find out as much information as you can about where he’s staying, if he has anyone with him, and what his plans are. Everything you can find out,” I instruct him. “I need to know if we’re in danger.”

“You got it,” Romeo says, walking out again.

I get up and go back to the cameras. I watch Amelia laughing with the guy until, eventually, he stands up and leaves. When he doesn’t come back, I simply watch Amelia.

She’s been oblivious to the fact that I haven’t paid any attention to her. It’s clear she doesn’t return my feelings. I turn away and go back to my desk, opening the ledgers on the table.

I don’t know if staying another three days is a good idea, but if this guy is connected to Jose, I don’t want him to know we’re onto him. If he is, we’ll slip away quietly, and Amelia will be under house arrest for the remainder of this road trip.

My fists clench as the thought crosses my mind about whether this is more than a friend, maybe an ex-lover.

I tell myself it doesn’t matter because she doesn’t feel that way about you. You can’t control her. You can’t keep her caged up forever.

But I do need to protect her, not only because her father asked me to but because I know it will kill me if something happens to her.

I finish up balancing the books, making everything ready for the accountant to sort out. Then I pack up for the night, grabbing my car keys, and walking out of the office. I make my way to the bar where Amelia is talking to two guys, flirting to high heaven.

I tap her on the shoulder and nod my head toward the door. “Come on. It’s time to go home.”

“Hey buddy, move off. We were here first,” the blond twenty-something-year-old tells me.

My eyes flash dangerous, and I incline my head. “My wife is going home with me. Right now,” I say dangerously. “And if you ever step into this club again, it’s the last steps you’ll ever take”

I signal for the bouncers who come over and grab the two wide-eyed guys. Amelia is staring at me in horror. Once the bouncers have left with her two friends, she grabs her car keys, glares at me, and storms through the partying crowd.

I follow with a sigh. Sometimes I feel more like her parent than her husband.

Chapter 25 - Amelia

I cannot believe Frankie! I am not some teenage kid sneaking into a bar and having perverted old men flirt with me. I’m in my twenties. I’m a freaking adult! Oh my God, there is nothing that pisses me off more than being treated like a child. I’m his wife, not his daughter, and he acts like he owns me. I scream in the car as I race down the road, anger boiling over.

The very reason I never got along with my father was that it didn’t matter how old I was, he treated me like a little kid who had to be bossed around and told what to do. He and Frankie treat me as though I have no common sense or can’t think further than my nose. I’m not a complete idiot. I know how to handle my drinks and my men.

Frankie seriously needs to have a reality check, or, I don’t know, I’m going to make a run for it on my own. I don’t know how I’d get anywhere without cash, maybe I could use one of Frankie’s burner cells to call Papa for help.

I’m tired of Frankie accusing me of being the problem, the one who lets everything slip, the one whose fault this is. He got us into this mess by putting Dave into the hospital, it’s his fault, and I’m done taking his accusations lying down.

As soon as I get home, I storm to my room and slam the door shut, locking it. I change, wash in the en-suite bathroom, and get into bed, furious.

I hear the front door open and close, and I hear Frankie set down his briefcase. I wait, wondering if he’s going to continue the fight here or if he’s going to leave it. Either way, I’m ready to take him on. He doesn’t scare me.

After ten minutes, when he doesn’t try my door, I turn over with my back to it and curl up. I’m angry and want to cry angry tears, but I’m not letting him have the satisfaction. I take a few deep, steady breaths, keep my eyes closed and drift off to a fitful sleep.

I wait until Frankie leaves in the morning, give him a ten-minute head start, and then go to meet Andres for breakfast. He wants to tell me his full plan today, and he hasn’t hurt me yet. I don’t know why but I trust him.

Even when I was with Dave, Andres was always kind to me, unlike his brother. He was involved in the family business, but his own, and he has promised me he’s not here at Jose’s request.