My father stands and shakes his hand, and we both watch him leave.

“Will you really not tell me where you are going first?” my father asks.

“I don’t know, he hasn’t told me, but I have to trust he will keep me safe, Papa,” I say. “It’s one of those things you were talking about, a thing I have to accept.”

He nods his head. “This is for your own safety. It’s a sacrifice you have to make.”

I sigh. “I hope I can see you soon.”

“I know you think I didn’t care back then,” my father says, taking my hand in his, “But please try and understand, Mia, that every choice I’ve made, every path I’ve placed you on, I have done so with your best interests in my heart. I never wanted this life for you, but because of who you chose to be with, this life is the only thing that can keep you safe now.”

I nod slowly, keeping quiet for a moment before I finally admit, “I have made some terrible choices, Papa, and I’m sorry I put you through that. Thank you for always taking care of me and for loving me, even when I didn’t love you back.”

“Oh, Mia,” he squeezes my hand. “You are my pride and joy. I will always be here for you.”

We both stand, and I rush the short distance between us and wrap my arms around him, tearing up. “I love you so much, Papa.”

“I love you too, my sweet daughter,” he says, stroking my hair. I can hear he is choking back his own sobs. We stay like that for a moment, and then I slowly pull away.

“I should get going. We need to be out of state as soon as possible.” I squeeze his hand. “Promise me you’ll stay strong and be safe until we see each other again.”

“I promise,” he says. “And you promise to stay safe and listen to Frankie. He knows this plan well and will be able to keep you both hidden.”

“I promise,” I say, though I’m not entirely sure I can keep that one. I kiss both his cheeks and, with a final glance backward, leave the house and walk to where Frankie is waiting by the car.

Chapter 20 - Frankie

“I don’t get why we don’t fly out,” Amelia asks me as we join the little traffic on the freeway leaving New York.

“They can trace us easily,” I explain, keeping my eyes on the road.

“Don’t you guys have private jets?” she asks, staring out the window.

I nod. “We do, but there have to be flight logs and manifests, still easy to trace.”

“So basically, we’re going on a road trip. Can we at least have fun?” she asks, looking at me now.

“As long as we don’t draw attention to ourselves,” I say. “Though I don’t know what you’d constitute as fun.”

“Just seeing sights and doing tourist-type things,” she explains. “Eat good food and mingle with the locals.”

I snort. “Okay, we can do some tourist things.”

“Can I get a camera?” she asks. “So I can at least get some pictures.”

“We’ll buy you one tomorrow, though strictly cash. No swiping cards while we’re doing this.”

She reaches for the radio and turns it up. “At least there can be good music.”

I shake my head a little, but she doesn’t notice. I let her bop her head and sing to the music. I’m trying to make sure no one follows us. I know Katya and Alessandro will work on this problem until it’s solved, and we can come back home, but I can’t help but dread spending who knows how long on the road with Amelia.

My heart aches for her and I had hoped that confessing my love to her may stir some feelings, that she would at least try to love me back. It’s clear now we’re past that point, and this will never be a loving relationship, only an amicable one.

I have always been the cool, logical one in the family, but now it’s like my wires are crossed, and everything is short-circuiting. We may be amicable, but I will spend as little time with Amelia as I can. My heart and mind can’t take feeling this intense passion for her when she doesn’t feel it back.

It’s late when I pull into a hotel, almost eleven, and I drive the car into the underground parking. I get out and look around, keeping my hand on my gun. No one seems to be following us, which is good news.

“We’re spending the night here,” I say. “You just need your overnight bag, I guess.”