“Where are we going?” she asks.

“The less you know, the safer it is, but I promise to keep you safe. Pack your bags. We’ll go straight to your father,” I say.

I rush off to my room and pack my bags. There’s a knock on my open door, and I see Dominic standing there. “You put a guy in a coma?”

“He touched what wasn’t his,” I comment, looking at my brother seriously.

Dominic chuckles. “You make me proud, and here I thought you didn’t like violence.”

“Sometimes it’s necessary,” I say, packing my bag.

“What are you two talking about?” Alessandro asks as he walks in.

“Dominic is jealous I was the one to put Dave in the hospital,” I smirk at Dom.

Dom shrugs. “It’s okay. I’ll get over it. I have other people to see, so travel safely, Frankie. If you need me, call.”

“I will,” I say, giving my brother a brief smile. He leaves, but Alessandro doesn’t. “When do you want to leave?”

“I know you said the morning, but we’re going to Gustavo’s place now and leaving from there tonight.”

“I think that’s wise. I said the morning, so if anyone does betray us, that’s when they’ll expect you to leave the house. I was going to suggest leaving tonight. Leaving Gustavo’s is a bonus. Did Amelia protest?”

“She knows it's for our own safety. I think she’s accepted that,” I say, putting in a few last-minute items. “Alessandro, do you think you can stop Jose?”

“I’ll die trying,” he promises me.

Chapter 19 - Amelia

I finish packing my bags, and Joel comes to collect them. As I walk downstairs, I meet Katya halfway down.

“Be safe,” she says to me, a glint of warning in her eyes. “Don’t let Frankie get hurt by anything.”

I get her meaning. She doesn’t wantmeto hurt Frankie. I won’t. I plan to nothing our relationship into oblivion until we are simply two ships passing in the night.

At least Frankie has agreed to take me to Papa’s house before we have to leave the state. I’ve never thought he cared about me, but I do love him, and I want to say goodbye, at least.

I finish walking down the stairs, and I wait at the front door for Frankie. He comes down soon enough, followed by another guard carrying his two bags. He looks at me. “You ready?”

“Ready,” I say as confidently as I can.

We walk out and go to the car. The luggage is loaded, and we leave without even saying goodbye to the others. I wonder if the family already said their goodbyes privately. Maybe they didn’t want to draw attention to us leaving. Come to think of it. I didn’t see anyone but the two guards and Katya around.

We don’t say anything as we drive to my father’s house. He’s expecting us, so the gates are open and shut directly after we drive in. Frankie parks the car on the side of the house, out of sight, and we get out. I lead Frankie in through the living room.

“Papa?” I call.

“In the kitchen,” he calls back.

I look at Frankie and nod for him to follow me. We walk into the kitchen where my father is slicing tomatoes.

“Are you cooking?” I ask. “I haven’t had your home-cooked meals since I was a child.”

“Since you have to go, I wanted us to do something nice together. Mia, put the pasta on to boil. Frankie, you help dice the vegetables.”

Frankie gives me a quizzical look, and I ask, “You do know how to, right?”

“Yes,” he says gruffly before grabbing a knife and joining my father.